Posts in Weekly Recap
Can You Be Anybody You Want To Be?

Gender And Our Relationship With Others: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

The third in a series of 3 sermons on the theology of our sexuality. Here are a few quotes to help you reflect and grow. May God use our humanity to bring him glory.

"Your gender is part of God's workmanship."

"Your gender is part of your calling and mission."

"Your gender frees you to be you."

"Feminine beauty comes from masculine authority fastened to mutual interdependence."

"Use your gender to tell the truth about the Son of God."

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff
Am I Male Or Female?

Gender and Our Relationship To Ourselves: Psalm 19

The second in a series of 3 sermons on the theology of our sexuality. Here are a few quotes to help you reflect and grow. May God use our humanity to bring him glory.

"God determined your gender in eternity past."

"Your gender is a both a creative and revelatory work of God."

"Biology alone isn't sufficient to explain gender."

"You might be wrong about your gender."

"Your most important identity is your identity with Christ, not your gender."

"There is room in our church for people struggling with their gender."

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff
What Does It Mean To Be Human?

Gender and Our Relationship To God: Genesis 1

The first in a series of 3 sermons on the theology of our sexuality. Here are a few quotes to help you reflect and grow. May God use our humanity to bring him glory.

"To be human means to be created in the image of God. Unlike every other creature, man was made to be like God."

"The history of the human race has been one of humans hating being human. We don't want to be "like God." We want to be gods ourselves."

"Sin is the most inhumane thing any human could do. It's the act of rejecting our very humanity."

”every human being is born into this world as an image-bearer of God, installed into an office that, from conception, one holds as traitor.” (Michael Horton)

"Your gender isn't an afterthought. It's not a plumbing issue. God made us male and female as part of his purpose to display the riches of His grace. If you lose gender, you lose christianity."

Sundays, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
Being Known In An Anonymous World

"Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another." (Ephesians 4:25 ESV)

Pastor Mike's sermon isn't posted online yet, but that shouldn't stop us from engaging in this timely message. We live in a world more disconnect than it is ever been. It's going to take courage and work if we are to enjoy the kind of relationships God intends. We must fight the urge to hide and instead give ourselves to one another. There is no room in our community for anything other than truth.

Speak the truth about yourself.

Speak the truth about others.

Speak the truth about God.

Church Member Meeting Recap

We maintain three regular church member meetings a year.

These are strategic moments in our life together as a congregation.  Our pastors lead us through updates, testimonies, church business, and church vision. We laugh, we ask questions, we pray, and we celebrate. That's a members meeting at Sovereign Grace Church.

This last Sunday we gathered in the Woman's Club gardens to cover a number of topics.

Our Deaconate Ministry

Church Financial Update

Denominational Update

Church Planting Plans

That last category was a new one for us. It's never been covered in a members meeting and it was exciting. Here is the adaptation from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Planting Manual that Pastor Eric referenced.

One of the most basic questions asked of anyone who is involved in church planting is, "Why are you starting a new church?" Implied is the question: "Aren't there already enough churches here?”

Three reasons found in the New Testament:

  1. When a specific, unusual opportunity to plant a church occurs. (Acts 11, Acts 17, 1 Thessalonians 1)
  2. When a center of population and influence needs the ministry of a new church. (Acts 16, Philippians 4)
  3. When fellow believers need our help to carry on what Christ has begun among them. (Acts 18, Acts 19)

May we all press in and pray more fervently for our small corner of the universe. Orange County is bursting at the seams with people who need Jesus.

Lord, send us.

Celebrating our Friendships Last Sunday

Hosting a conference like Worship God 2014 has it's benefits.

We all get to make it to a session or two, we get to do "international ministry" without leaving our hometown, and the Sunday after the conference is always like one big happy family reunion.

Big thanks go out to Bob Kauflin and his crew from Sovereign Grace Music. Also in the mix was Matt Boswell and worship team. You guys rock.

And thanks to all the other first-timers and new friends who joined us last Sunday. Drop us a line on our Facebook Page and tell us about your Worship God experience. It's was so good to connect with you. We thank God for you and our partnership together.

We'd love to hear from you again.


First Time Worship Leader

Well played church.

One of the sweetest moments last Sunday was when Pastor Eric announced that Jordan was about to lead worship for the first time ever...and the church erupted into a spontaneous round of applause and cheering.

Not for Jordan but for God.

You see, if we believe that life and talents are all gifts from God...if we believe that everyone is made of the likeness of God and that all good things are from God and the evidence of God's work in us today. Then when a young man or woman steps up and uses their abilities to serve others for Jesus, it is only fitting that we give God his due praise!

How could we just sit there silently?

The mighty God of redemption has another worship leader. It thrills our souls.