Posts in Weekly Recap
Sunday in Review

1.  Please be praying for our Pastor Eric this week as he and his family are enjoying some family time!


2.  A new small group in Old Towne Orange is forming and will begin March 19th.  We are looking for volunteers to join.  Get your name on the roster by February 26th.  


3.  Starting Point begins March 2nd!  Want more information about our church and what we believe?  Get online for more information and to register.


Listen again as David preaches from Jude.

Recollections from Sunday

1.  Starting Point - A number of you have asked about our newcomers class and if
you watch the church calendar you’ll notice the next round is scheduled for March 1st.! !
This is a  5 week course for becoming a new member.  Small group style with a pastor leading. Everything you need to know about the church to help you know if this church is for you.  Visit the website to register!

2.  Tea.ology - Our next meeting for the ladies is scheduled for Friday, January 10th.
Similar to our men’s Theology on Tap.  A group that meets to encourage one another by wrestling with truth together. For more information check-out our Facebook page.

3.   Dustin Smetona preaches next week on prayer and then we will be back in Revelation with Pastor Eric Turbedsky.


Listen again as Jason preaches from Ruth.



Sunday in Review

1.  Hope you can join us for Christmas Eve Service.  It will be a brief time of carols, readings, the gospel, candles and friends.  6:00pm in the Women's Club garden.  Dress warm.


2.  Theology on Tap -  Our monthly meeting where men talk like men about God.  Where we learn to tackle big theological concepts humbly and with the goal of encouraging one another.  This group is limited in size and there are some requirements.  Get online and register ASAP.! !!

3.  Sunday we will have a guest speaker!  Well ok, he’s not a guest…but he’s never preached here, everywhere else but here!  Our very own Jason Petty!! ! 


Listen again as Pastor Eric brings his last sermon about who Jesus says He is.

Sunday in Review

1.   Christmas Eve Services - Join us, if your in town, as we celebrate the reality of God becoming a man so that we might be saved!!  Our Christmas Eve Service will be meeting in the garden next to the Women's Club at 6pm.   There will be music, Scripture, candles, friends and cookies.  Dress warm!!!


2.  Small Groups - If your not in a small group you are missing sweet fellowship and encouragement and half our life together as a church!!  Get plugged into a group today!


3.  Women's Club is NOT climate controlled - Our building doesn't have heat, or air conditioning,  so dress accordingly on Sunday mornings!!


Listen again as Pastor Eric teaches from John 5.

Weekly RecapChurch Staff
Sunday announcements

1.  Ladies Christmas Worship Night - On, Thursday, December 19th, the ladies will gather for a few brief hours to encourage one another, to sing together, to pray together.   We hope you will make time during this busy season.


2.  RELATE - A Conference for young, single adults - January 9th-11th at our sister church in Pheonix, Arizona with C.J. Mahaney and Bob Kauflin teaching and leading.   David Christensen is organizing a group!!  Check here for more information about the conference.


Listen again as guest Pastor Ron Boomsma taught from Judges.  So good!!!

A review of Sunday.....

1.   This Sunday David Christensen will be preaching his first sermon as our church intern.  The following week, Ron Boomsma (Sr. Pastor of our sister church in Pasadena) will be here visiting and preaching.  Finally, during the month of December we will be celebrating Advent with a series of three sermons on the claims Jesus made about his divinity.   This is a great season to invite your friends, family, and coworkers!


2.  Year end church financial reports are available online.  Thank you for being a generous church.  God is using your giving to glorify Jesus by ministering to one another and our city.  Enjoy God's pleasure as you labor and give!


3.  If you have skills, we want you to serve!  The worship team is  looking for people interested in using their gifts to serve our church and glorify God.   The team is making plans for the winter/spring schedule - sign-up here!  

4.  We have an opportunity to serve others this Christmas by volunteering at Operation Christmas Child.  Adults and youth ages 13 and older are invited to join us as we serve in the warehouse processing thousands of Shoe Boxes.  Don't know much about this ministry?  Check it out and share in bringing joy to lots of children around the world!!


Reformation Sunday in Review

On Reformation Sunday we remembered God's work through men 500 years ago. And the fruit of their ministry to cling to Christ and the Scriptures, celebrating God's power to save through the gospel. We owe a debt of gratitude to the brothers and sisters who've come before us and laid this foundation for us to build on.

Soli Deo Gloria!