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I Gave Up In Old Towne Orange

Jonathan shared this testimony on Sunday...

I was born in San Diego, raised in the city of Orange, my father abandoned my mother and I when I was 2 years old, and my grandfather passed away while I was young. I grew up going to church, but you could definitely say my family was broken and so was I.

I started using drugs and then selling drugs in middle school. I was kicked out of McPherson Magnet School and then my mother’s home at the age of 16.

I made many enemies here.

I hurt a lot of people in Orange. I attempted to take my life many, many times here in Orange. It was here that I gave up.

Two years ago, after surviving one last attempt at suicide, I returned to my parents home. They took me in and that’s when my life began to change. That day, as I looked around my childhood bedroom, I prayed a simple prayer and God answered. I began attending a church. I was baptized. People began discipling me. It wasn’t easy and I wasn’t perfect, but I was beginning to change. I was growing.

Jesus had become my redeemer. My shepherd.

Long story short, I arrived here at Sovereign Grace in July and found my home right where I began…in Old Towne Orange. And you have to understand. I was afraid to walk these streets alone. I was ashamed someone would recognize me. Or worse. 

It’s kind of surreal. Just walking around the Plaza with you.

Everything is so different now.

Yet God has called me back and I have been so blessed and encouraged by you. You love Jesus. You are living for his glory andI want to be a part of this. I want to be a part of you.

I want to add my voice and my life to yours and tell people in Orange that whatever you are facing…trials, hopelessness, whatever. When your world comes crashing down , put your trust in Christ.

He will bear with you in mercy like he did for me. He will protect you like He did for me. He is good. He rules the world. In Him is found salvation and new life.

I never thought I’d be here (in Orange, of all places) saying this. I never imagined I’d be a member of this church. Sovereign Grace Church. But today I am.

I am a grateful man.

I’ve been forgiven of much and I have been loved much. And now I want to tell my home town that they can be too.

The Retreat Was Better Than I Hoped For

Alma shared last Sunday...

Last week I attended our first-ever women’s retreat. I was so excited about this. As soon as the event was announced I rushed the registration table. I wanted to spend a weekend with a group multi-generational friends who love Jesus. 

I really didn't know what to expect and quickly filled in the blanks with what I could get out of the retreat. Instruction, teaching, pampering. I was thinking resort and spa, but God had something much better planned.

We were encouraged by the teaching to reposition our hearts towards how we can serve one another. I'm always thinking bigger is better and to have big, audacious goals. Instead, I was reminded that being a wife and mother and friend was already extraordinary.

God often chooses the ordinary to show us the extraordinary.

I learned that each of our lives are a ministry. He even blesses us with uncomfortable and painful seasons and situations because he loves us. And when we seek to glorify him in all we do, even in things we did not ask for to begin with, he reminds us that he is good through it all. 

The retreat wasn't everything I had hoped for. It was better.

All Things For God's Glory

Our pulpit never looked this good.

Diversity in our ministry is a very good sign. It means God is equipping us for good works and it also means we are eager to do whatever it takes to see the gospel advance. This is the work of the Spirit.

One example of this is our refurbished pulpit. After our two IKEA lecterns literally fell apart  (you have IKEA know what we're talking about), something had to be done. One Sunday the pulpit actually crumbled into pieces after the service. We all just watched and laughed.

Now, a month later, both lecterns and our communion table have been refurbished. Our preachers can once again pound the pulpit with confidence. How's is this possible? Deacon Les has a wood shop :)

Roger's Testimony

Roger shared last Sunday as a member of our former Leadership Council...

 I love this place. This church loves Jesus, loves the gospel, and loves people. We saw it in you the first week we visited. You’ve never wavered. It only keeps getting better. We thank God for bringIng us here way back in the very beginning.

In the early days, the pastors invited a few men to gather regularly as an alternative voice of counsel and accountability. I was asked to be part it. We were called the Leadership Counsel. 

Over the years we met regularly to plan and evaluate, but we also spent time recounting the great things He was doing within our little church. I’m so grateful for these times…just a few ordinary men watching our great God do extraordinary things.

I remember, in particular, the many discussions and times of prayer we had as God directed us to move from Irvine into Old Towne Orange. I watched as God guided our thoughts and discussions. He shaped our hearts and motivated us. We became a group of leaders who were of one mind and purpose. God was leading and we were trusting Him. What a great picture of how God is glorified as men lead a church.

I thank God for our new Church Council. I’ll miss our old meetings but I am filled with faith for what comes next. God has built a church from the ground up. He has been faithful. To Him be the glory.