Posts in Sermon
Why Are There Any Christians?

Because God Chose to Save Some

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Ephesians 1:3-6. He reminded us that God chose those He would save in Christ before the foundation of the world. Our salvation is gracious from beginning to end. We add nothing to it except the sin from which we need to be saved. And while His choosing leaves us with some unanswered questions, the doctrine of election is in our Bibles to lead us to worship the God who has sovereignly saved us to the praise of His glorious grace.

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SermonChurch Staff
What Do We Believe About The Bible?

Our Rule of Faith and Life

On Sunday Pastor Dustin kicked off a series on our new Statement of Faith as he preached from Matthew 4:1-11. We live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. He has recorded these words for us in the Scriptures. We need the Bible because it reveals God’s true character, it shows us how we can be saved, and it trains us how to please Him with our lives. God has made His word clear so that we aren’t left in the dark about what He thinks or expects. God invests His word with His authority as Creator and Ruler of all ceration. We are people of the word.

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SermonChurch Staff
A Clinic On Pastoral Ministry

Making Your Pastors’ Work A Joy

On Sunday guest preacher John Loftness, who’s been a faithful pastor in our denomination for over 40 years, preached from Hebrews 13:7 & 17. He asked us to try to understand what it’s like to be a pastor. God has assigned certain men to lead His church. They share our weaknesses and struggles, they are tested by life just as we are. But God gives them grace to serve by leading. We can make their work a joy by following their faithfulness and posturing ourselves to be persuaded by their leadership.

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Do Not Be Anxious

A Command That’s Easy to Understand but Difficult to Practice

On Sunday guest preacher Mickey Connolly preached from Philippians 4:6-7. He reminded us that anxiety is an ambush predator, always lurking nearby waiting for an opportunity to strike. It robs us of joy and hope. But God has well-equipped us to protect ourselves. We can pray for help, thank God for past mercies, and expect Him to give present peace. Our circumstances may not change, but by God’s grace, we certainly can.

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Trusting God In Turbulent Times

How do we move ahead when the days are strange?

On Sunday guest preacher Greg Dirnberger from Emmaus Road Church preached from Daniel 12:1-13. Greg asked us to consider what we should do when we know challenges are ahead of us? He called us to take refuge in the providence of God, grow in wisdom, bend our knees to God’s word, engage in God’s mission, and keep our eyes on the cross until the end. That is what we’ve always had to do. That’s what we have to do now. So go your way and keep your eye on the Lord who holds history in His hands and will not let us go.

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The Aroma Of Christ

Our Lives

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 2 Corinthians 2:12-17. He reminded us that when people spend time with us it should be like they spent time with Jesus. His life shows itself through our lives. We smell like Him. Those who are perishing will recoil from it. Those who are being saved will be delighted by it. May many be drawn to our Savior through our words, deeds, and lives.

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The Marvelous Mission Of God

Be Amazed By Your Mission

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. He reminded us that we are God’s plan for evangelism. He is making His appeal to unbelievers through us. Our ransomed lives are the way He’s persuading the world to be reconciled to Him. His love for us and for fellow sinners motivates us to share His message.

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The End Of The Beginning

Our Final Sermon From Genesis

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 50:1-26. He called us to recommit to be fruitful Christians in the land of our affliction. God has planted us here, He is with us here, and He is working through us here. Though it seems the odds are stacked against us, with the Lord and His great promises on our side, we have all we need to bear good fruit in our city. We need to build good reputations, see His sovereign hand, and keep our hope anchored in His promised future. By His grace and with His help, may we do just that.

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SermonChurch Staff