Posts in Sermon
The Christian Name For God


On Sunday pastoral resident Andrew Maples preached from Galatians 4:1-7. He reminded us that God sent His Son in order to make us sons. The incarnation brought us the gift of adoption. We have God as our Father, and all the benefits, privileges, and responsibilities that come with it. This is how God defines our relationship, not by any religious system we’ve devised, but by bringing us into His family.

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SermonChurch Staff
God Isn't Fair

And that is a very good thing for us.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 48-49. He asked us to take Scripture’s counsel and abandon our notion of fairness. Life isn’t fair because God isn’t fair. His gospel isn’t about fairness. The gospel means Jesus gets what we deserve so that we get what He deserves. His program is saving grace for sinners.

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SermonChurch Staff
Prepare For Your Last Day Today


On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 47:1-31. The passage reveals the burdens and concerns weighing on the heart of the old man Jacob as he puts his affairs in order. How can we prepare for our last day today? Expect God to provide in unexpected ways. Embrace the call to be pilgrims. Hold fast to God’s great and precious promises. If we do, we’ll be ready for our last day whenever that day arrives.

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Prepare For Deliverance

God Takes You Where You Don’t Want to Go
to Save You from Things You Can’t Yet See

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 46:1-34. The old patriarch Jacob is being asked to go down to Egypt - a place typically hostile to him and his people. He’s being asked to go out of the land God had promised to him and his people. And so far, we have no clue why. Sometimes God asks us to go to places we don’t want to go to do things we don’t want to do for reasons we don’t understand. We must follow Him in faith.

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SermonChurch Staff
How To See Everything

Look through the Lens of God’s Saving Sovereignty

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 45:1-28. He reminded us that we must view every event of our lives through the lens of God’s saving purposes. Everything that happens to us is hand-designed by God to train us to trust Jesus Christ for forgiveness, help, and grace. And if we learn to see life this way, it will change us for the better.

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SermonChurch Staff
What Is God Waiting For?

God’s Patience Has A Purpose

On Sunday pastoral resident Andrew Maples preached from Genesis 44:1-34. He reminded us that some things can’t be rushed. Hearts change slowly. Circumstances change slowly. But no waiting is wasted in God’s world. We can be patient because God is always working His perfect purposes.

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SermonChurch Staff
Marvel At Mercy

We have a moment-by-moment need for God’s mercy

On Sunday pastoral resident Andrew Maples preached from Genesis 43:1-34. He called us to marvel at God’s mercy. We have a great need for God to forgive us and help us. Scripture provides regular examples of God mercifully helping those who need His mercy. And this passage reveals the God of mercy who takes rebels, makes them sons, and welcomes them to His table.

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SermonChurch Staff
Has My Past Ruined My Future?

Your Savior Redeems Your Past, Present, and Future

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 42:1-38. He reminded us that Jesus Christ heals our past hurts, forgives every sin, and prepares us for a bright future. We don’t need to dwell on our past mistakes and hurts. We don’t need to be crippled by our present struggles. We don’t need to fret about the future. Why? Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.

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SermonChurch Staff