Posts in Sermon
Our Unchanging Charge

Guard the Gospel Entrusted to You

On Reformation Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 2 Timothy 1:8-14. He reminded us that we must not be distracted from our primary calling: to guard and promote the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ. From our own personal interests to political commitments, there are many issues that want to crowd out our gospel-centrality. But we must hold the line as Christians have for ages. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we must guard the good deposit entrusted to us.

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SermonChurch Staff
Passing The Test Of Prosperity

What will we do with our freedom, prosperity, and responsibility?

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 41:1-57. He reminded us of the dangers of prosperity and comfort. We can forget the Lord when life is good. But God is equipping us to keep our eyes fixed on Him when days of comfort and ease come our way. We need to give Him the credit, share with others what He has entrusted to us, and take steps to remember the God who always remembers us.

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SermonChurch Staff
Forgotten But Not Forsaken

God Remembers You Even When Others Don’t

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 40:1-23. Joseph begins and ends the chapter in prison. The one man he pleads with to remember him forgets him. But God remembers him. God is with him. And even his time in prison will turn out to be for God’s good purposes. The same is true for us, even when we feel overlooked, ignored, and forgotten.

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SermonChurch Staff
Joseph In Potiphar's House

A Test of Integrity

On Sunday pastoral resident Andrew Maples preached from Genesis 39:1-23. He reminded us that we will all be tempted to compromise. But God calls us to keep our integrity before Him, whether others are watching or not. And when we fail, we have a Savior who kept His integrity perfectly. He lived for us and died for us. We live for Him no matter the cost.

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SermonChurch Staff
How Bad Can A Christian Be?

And Still Be A Christian?

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 38:1-30. Some commentators deemed this passage “unfit for preaching.” But this strange chapter reveals the grace of God for His unworthy people. God’s people are often bad. But God proves to be very good to bad people.

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SermonChurch Staff
I Fell Into The Pit

How Did I Get Into This Pit?

On Sunday Pastor Dustin began the last major section of Genesis covering the life of Joseph as he preached from Genesis 37:1-36. We were reminded that we will end up in the pit. God puts us there. He doesn’t always tell us why. But we can rest assured that he has very good reasons. He is using sin and suffering to save us from sin and suffering.

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SermonChurch Staff
Who Tells God's Story?

It Takes God to Know God

On Sunday Jeff Purswell, our denomination’s Director of Theology and dean of the Pastor’s College, preached from Exodus 34:1-9. He reminded us that God has revealed himself to us. And it turns out He is not like us. He is not on edge. He is not frustrated and flustered with us. He shows us His glory by showing us His goodness. He patiently waits for us. He loyally cares for us. He steadfastly loves us.

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SermonChurch Staff
The Finest Thing In Life

Taste and See

On Sunday pastoral resident Andrew Maples preached his first sermon at our church from Psalm 34. He reminded us not to look for life in the things of earth. But to take hold of the best thing there is: a joyful life in the fear of the Lord. God’s goodness can’t be simply learned about, it must be experienced and savored. And God’s offer for deep joy stands to all those who take hold of it by faith.

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SermonChurch Staff