Posts in Sermon
Safe In A Dangerous World

An Almighty Shelter

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Psalm 91. He asked us to consider if our prayers sound like this prayer: filled with big thoughts of God, confidence in his protection, and reflection upon his great promises. Ultimately, this song can only be about us if it’s first about Jesus. He endured the danger of God’s wrath so that we would be eternally safe. By faith in Him, we most certainly are.

Unfortunately, we didn’t capture a sermon recording this week. But here are a couple of resources to help you understand and respond to Psalm 91:

  1. Eternal Safety in a World of Danger: an overview of Psalm 91 connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. Christ Will Be My Hideaway: a song written by Sovereign Grace Music based on Psalm 91.

SermonChurch Staff
A Royal Wedding

Do you know the beauty and power of Jesus?

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Psalm 45. In this royal wedding song the groom takes center stage. Jesus is the perfect and powerful King who has made us beautiful by His sacrifice and is preparing for us a future of glory and grace.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Are We Really Safe?

We are perfectly safe in God’s hands

On Sunday church member Israel Carbajal preached from Psalm 18:1-19. At times we feel vulnerable. The world is against us. Satan is against us. Our own sin is against us. The odds appear to be stacked against us. But the God who is keeping us safe is a mighty fortress and a warrior who fights on our behalf. He has already saved us from the greatest threat, His wrath against our sins. He will save us from every other threat too.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
I Lost My Joy

Joy Restored

On Sunday, church member Cesar Juarez preached his first-ever sermon from Psalm 119:9-16. He reminded us that true joy is found in following Jesus. Our sense of joy waxes and wanes throughout the Christian life. When we lose it, there’s a clear path to get it back. God’s written Word directs us to His Living Word. When we obey Jesus, we will delight in Jesus, and share Jesus — the source of all lasting joy.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
It's Us Against the World

Nope. It’s Jesus against the world.

On Sunday Deacon Dave Christensen preached from Psalm 2. Oftentimes it feels like it’s us against the world. But the world is fighting against Jesus, yet He continues to reign. We have nothing to fear. Our gracious King is protecting us from the world while He offers Himself to the world as their only hope.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Exalting God In My Crisis

Confidence in a Cave

On Sunday church member Dylan Sohie preached from Psalm 57. He showed us how God glorifies Himself through our crises. We pray with confidence and joy even when facing seemingly insurmountable odds because we know God will deliver us. Our crisis is no problem for Him.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Pray and Prepare for Revival

When God hits the fast-forward button

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Psalm 85. He reminded us that revival is a fresh infusion of spiritual life and vitality that comes from God. It happens regularly in the Scriptures. It is an ongoing need for God’s people — one that God is glad to meet. When we are weary, frustrated, and burdened we need the Spirit of God to break into our lives with unexpected power and grace. Let’s pray and prepare for Him to do just that.

We had technical difficulties this week and did not capture a sermon recording. A lightly edited transcript of the sermon is available here.

SermonChurch Staff
The Way To Life

Psalm 1

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Psalm 1. He reminded us that man’s way is a path fraught with danger and despair. But there is a blessed way to life. Jesus walked that path. And by trusting Him, we can walk that path too.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff