Posts in Sermon
Numbering Our Days

A Hard But Necessary Discipline

On Sunday Pastor Dustin began a series in the psalms by preaching from Psalm 90. He showed us that God is helping us live by reminding us that we will die. Though it’s hard to face, remembering that our lives are short is a step on the path to wisdom. Our endless God is preparing dying people to rejoice in Him for endless days.

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SermonChurch Staff
Living Among Prosperous People

Beware the Pitfalls

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 36. He pointed that we live alongside some of the most prosperous people on earth. They look like us and talk like us. But they belong to a different world. We have to be careful that we don’t become like them as we seek to love them and invite them to join us in God’s kingdom. The Lord gives us grace to do just that.

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SermonChurch Staff
Living A Double Life

Righteous Sinners

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 35. He asked us if we ever feel like we’re living a double life. Sometimes love, serving, and trusting God; sometimes living according to our sinful nature. But in Christ, we are simultaneously sinners and righteous. And now God is training us to shed sin and live for Him.

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SermonChurch Staff
Radical Evil and Radical Sovereignty

Where was God?

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 34. He reminded us that radical evil is in our world and inside of us. Yet God exercises His radical sovereignty in this wicked world. God uses evil to triumph over evil. This comes into clearest view at the cross. Evil did its worst to the Son of God. And God used their evil acts to defeat evil.

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SermonChurch Staff
Are We Going To Make It?

A Common Question

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 33. The trials of life and the temptations to disobey threaten to take us off the path God has set us on. Yet we are confident that God is leading us to our eternal home. His steady hand guides us even in the midst of our own faltering obedience. According to God’s plan, Jesus perfectly obeyed His Father by laying down His life to secure both our forgiveness and our future. We will make it home.

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SermonChurch Staff
God's Grace Is Never Wasted

His grace is training us.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 32. Here we see the effect that God’s grace has had on Jacob. He gives rather than takes. He relies on God rather than his old tricks. He wrestles with God rather than men. God’s undeserved kindness has changed Jacob. God’s undeserved kindness is changing us too. He is winning our hearts.

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SermonChurch Staff
He Meets Our Guilt With Grace

Jesus Gets What We Deserve

Pastor Eric’s sermon from Genesis 31 focused on how God meets our rebellion with His rescue. Do we get what we deserve? No. Every day, our sins invite God’s righteous wrath. But Jesus took our punishment. We get peace with God. The Bible and our lives continue to testify to this amazing grace. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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SermonChurch Staff
We Want Good Things

But we want them badly.

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 29-30. Here we find a host of people just like us. They want good things but they want them too much, just like us. We make idols out of the good things God gives us. Yet, God’s grace can’t be stopped by idolaters and cheaters. His mission to save sinners continues in spite of our sins.

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SermonChurch Staff