Posts in Sermon
A Stream Of Assurances
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Grace Unleashed

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 28. Here we find Jacob in the middle of the desert fleeing from a bad situation at home, wifeless, and childless. Some of his own poor decisions are to blame. Yet God powerfully and graciously meets him, speaking again of the great promises that belong to Jacob by grace. Though we are often unfaithful and always undeserving, God’s grace regularly breaks into our lives. He is the gracious God we so desperately need.

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SermonChurch Staff
Avoiding Functional Atheism

Trusting the God who is there even when it seems like He isn’t.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached all of Genesis 27. He reminded us that God is working even when we can’t see what He’s doing. If we forget that truth, then we may take matters into our own hands. This is functional atheism, living as though everything is up to us. Instead, we trust His promises. And as we do, we remain faithful, obedience, and joyful, even while we wait.

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SermonChurch Staff
Waiting For Deliverance

We Can Trust God

On Sunday guest preacher Bob Kauflin preached from Psalm 40. God’s faithfulness to deliver us from trials in the past enables us to praise him through trials in the present. God has delivered us from sin and death by the sacrifice of His Son. He will deliver us from every trial we face today. We can worship while we wait.

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SermonChurch Staff
The Real Hero

It’s Not Us

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 26:1-35. It turns out that Isaac isn’t the hero of the Bible’s story. He turns out to have questionable morals. But God blesses him. The story of God saving his people through Abraham’s line depends solely on grace. So it is with us. Everyone who is saved must say, “I don’t deserve any of this.”

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SermonChurch Staff
God Loves the Details

Every detail matters because God is behind each one.

On Sunday Pastor Eric resumed our study in Genesis preaching from Genesis 25:19-34. From the story of Jacob and Esau, he reminded us that we can trust God when we’re waiting, when we have questions, and when we’re disappointed. May our response to each season of life speak loudly that we trust in God.

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SermonChurch Staff
You Must Be Born Again

A Supernatural Spiritual Awakening

On Resurrection Sunday Pastor Eric preached from John 3:1-15. “Born again” has all but disappeared from our vocabulary. But Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Christianity begins with the sovereign grace of God and leads to everlasting life. The future comes into the present when God’s saving power awakens new life in our souls. It’s spiritual resurrection. Have you been born again? If yes, then celebrate. If not, then call upon Christ.

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SermonChurch Staff
A Crucial Way to Serve Our Unity

Extend Forgiveness

On Sunday, Deacon Dave Christensen preached from Ephesians 4:31-32. He called us to love our forgiveness, embrace our new life, and extend forgiveness to one another. As we labor together, sin will inevitably seek to divide us as a church. But we are forgiven sinners who forgive sin. And as we make peace with one another, we grow together into the likeness of our Savior.

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SermonChurch Staff
A United Church

Stewarding God’s Gift of Unity

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Ephesians 4:1-16. He reminded us that the unity of our church is a gift, a responsibility, and a goal. Christ has broken down the dividing wall of hostility between us. Now, we work to preserve and promote the precious unity for which our Savior died. It isn’t easy. But God is using each of our efforts to grow us in unity until we reach maturity.

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SermonChurch Staff