Posts in Sermon
The People Of Truth

You Can Handle the Truth

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from 1 Timothy 1:3-11. He reminded us of the stunning reality that God has given us his truth. This is a sign of his grace toward us. We would never have known the truth had he not opened our eyes to see and our ears to hear. His truth is also a trust. We have a responsibility to reject false teaching as we treasure and share the truth of the gospel.

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Beginnings Matter

A Rich Greeting

On Sunday Pastor Dustin began our series in 1 Timothy by preaching 1 Timothy 1:1-2. This brief introduction sets the tone for the whole letter. It’s written on good authority, God recording his words through the pen of the Apostle Paul. It’s written with deep affection. And it’s written in view of the grace, mercy, and peace of our great God and Savior.

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SermonChurch Staff
All Heroes Are Shadows Of Christ

Consider Abraham
Consider Jesus

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the burial of Abraham from Genesis 25:1-18. Abraham was a true hero, a man who gave himself to something bigger than himself. If we study Abraham, we can’t help but peer ahead to the actual promised Son: Jesus Christ. He is our true hero. He had no flaws. He sacrificed his life for the greatest good: the glory of God through the salvation of sinners.

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An Unforgettable Marriage

Isaac & Rebekah

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 24:1-67. The story of God bringing Rebekah to Isaac tells of the faithfulness of God and the steady faith of his people. It’s a pointed reminder that we can trust God to fill out all the details of our complex lives in order to fulfill his promises and plans.

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SermonChurch Staff
What Is God Doing?

It’s Hard to Tell In The Middle of It

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached on the death of Sarah from Genesis 23:1-20. He reminded us that it’s nearly impossible to tell what God is doing while he’s doing it. Hindsight truly is 20-20. We have to trust in his promises while we wait to see them come true. Thankfully, we know, by looking at the cross, that God brings the best out of the worst.

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The Sacrificed Son

Christ Is On Every Page

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached on the sacrifice of Isaac from Genesis 22:1-24. This story speaks clearly of the Christ-centered nature of the bible. Abraham is called by God to sacrifice his only son, the one through whom all the promises of God would come to pass. Abraham’s obedience is praised by God, “for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” Yet God did what Abraham was spared from. God provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac, but there was no animal or person who could take Jesus’ place. He was the one and only sacrifice for our sins. We now know that God loves us because he did not withhold his son, his only son, from us.

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SermonChurch Staff
God Deserves All The Glory

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 21:1-34. He reminded us that Abraham’s lives and ours prove that God alone deserves all the glory. He remains faithful even when we are faithless. He makes promises to us and keeps them no matter what the cost. Trust him today to keep his promises to forgive all of your sins, to never send you away, to hear all of your prayers, to provide for all your needs, and to work all things for your good.

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We Never Outgrow Our Need For Salvation

Habitual Sin Meets Invincible Grace

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 20:1-18. He reminded us that we are just as in need of God’s grace today as we were when we first believed. Our besetting sins discourage us, but Jesus Christ has liberated us from their power. “He breaks the power of canceled sin, he sets the prisoner free; his blood can make the foulest clean; his blood availed for me” (O for a Thousand Tongues, Charles Wesley).

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SermonChurch Staff