Posts in Recommendations
A Book About A Current Event

We've asked everyone who accepted our challenge to read 12 books in 12 months to submit one sentence from every book they read. As John Piper says, “Books don’t change people, paragraphs do — sometimes sentences.”

This month two different guys named David read Under Our Skin by Benjamin Watson. Here are their sentences.

"The solution to the problem of race in America will be found only by ordinary people, "good" people, looking inside themselves, being honest about the assumptions and biases that have formed, and beginning to change what's in their hearts."

"I'm embarrassed because the looting, violent protests, and lawbreaking only confirm-and in the minds of many, validate-the stereotypes and thus the inferior treatment."

Books About Spiritual Gifts

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. 1 Cor 12:1

Learn more about how the Holy Spirit provides the power we need to serve him as the church. Our recent sermon series through 1 Corinthians is only scratching the surface and our small groups only have so much time to discuss together. Read a book or two on the subject. Don't be uninformed.

August Book Reading Challenge
Tell Old Towne Orange About Your Church


We need your help.

In the past, churches in Old Towne Orange put up signs saying "Come visit us." These never replaced the value of a personal invitation, but they did help the city know there was a congregation nearby eager to welcome newcomers.

Today our signs are online.

Help us continue to establish our presence in Old Towne. Get on  or google maps and give us an honest review. Help other people learn more about our church and feel welcome this Sunday.

Sovereign Grace Church on

Sovereign Grace Church on Google Maps

Learning From A History Book

David is one of the many who took our challenge to read 12 books in 12 months. Last month we read a history book. David's choice was California: A History by Kevin Starr. Here was the sentence that stood out to him...

"To use the recent language of literary criticism, Disneyland is a text through which we can look back and re-experience the hopes and fears, the beliefs and illusions, of a postwar generation in the throes of creating the place we know as suburban Southern California."