Posts in Recommendations
Tell Our City About Your Church on Yelp

Chances are good you checked us out online before you visited us on a Sunday. Yelp and Google Maps have become our front door. It's how people get to know us before they ever even meet us.

Yelp is an opportunity.

Every week people from our community search for a church on Yelp. Let's all take a moment and tell them about what God is doing among us. Invite them to visit us. Post a picture. Whatever.

Complete a Yelp Review today.

Bi-vocational Pastor Expectations

We have been blessed with a bi-vocational pastor since our very beginnings. Pastor Mike has served us as a volunteer, gladly making costly personal sacrifices matched only by his wife Lois. We're grateful for him (and her) and it's been good. Very good.

As we plan for the future, we want to ensure that we serve the men who serve us. We want to protect them...we have many needs and the work of a pastor is never finished. As a bi-vocational elder divides his time between his occupation and his calling to pastor our church, clear expectations are necessary. So this week our pastoral team adopted just such a document. A statement regarding the ministry and calling of a pastor who serves us full-time, while employed in another profession.

Bi-vocational Pastors

FYI. This document and others regarding how we organize and lead our church are all located here.