Posts in Recommendations
Why Your Life Online Matters

Some of the more popular places in Orange County have no street addresses. No one would even know if you visited them today or not.






How we conduct ourselves online matters. It matters because there are real people on the other end of our Facebook posts. We can't suspend the command to use your words (and pictures) to encourage one another.

We do business online. We buy stuff online. And there are real businesses on the other end of our transactions. We represent Christ in every transaction, whether we them meet face to face or on Ebay.

We consume media online. We watch video online. We read news online. And the internet makes access to everything quick, easy, private, and anonymous.

We are a community of individual internet users.

The reality is that Sovereign Grace Church (as a congregation) has an online life. So let's live it no differently than we live the rest of our lives on streets and in our homes. Let's live it in community, let's encourage one another towards godliness, and let's help one another do all of the above.

This is why we are offering every adult member of our church a free account with Covenant Eyes, and internet accountability service. We committed to providing the best opportunities to walk out our faith together.

Learn more about Covenant Eyes.


Singing in German

You know what makes our small church in Orange, CA happy? Songs we love being translated into languages most of us can't speak.

"After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

(Revelation 7:9-10 ESV)

Check out the latest German translation of the Sovereign Grace Music song Show Us Christ.

And FYI...if German isn't your thing, how about Dutch?


Music In The Church Office

From time to time, we recommend music we are currently listening to around the church offices. Intern David has been trying to convert everyone to Fantasy Metal, but that's not going to happen. Everyone knows the metal died in the 90s.

Jason's new album Crimson Cord just dropped so there's that!

And Pastor Eric has declared this the year of "indie live worship music," a category so independent that he made it up himself. The more obscure and low budget the better. And even better if it sounds exactly like any given Sunday at Sovereign Grace. Send him recommendation at

Last month 4 albums from The Fields Church in Carlsbad, CA got more spins than anything else.

Get your free downloads here.

30 Years Of Songs by Sovereign Grace

Check out what our partners at Sovereign Grace Music just released. There are a ton of great songs recording by some great friends.

30: Three Decades of Songs
for the Church

"It all started in 1984 with the release of Mighty God, a cassette tape of a live recording with songs penned by Mark AltroggeSteve & Vikki Cook, and Bob Kauflin

Since that time thirty years ago, Sovereign Grace Music has produced over 60 projects with musical styles ranging from rap to hymns, from rock to alternative, from remixes to choruses. We’ve recorded more than 500 songs written by over thirty writers, but our purpose has never changed: to serve the local church with songs that are theologically-driven and gospel-rich. Our music is now being translated into thirteen languages and we're grateful to play a part in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. 

To celebrate God’s faithfulness, we asked a number of artists and musicians we’ve come to know through the years to record a version of some of our more well known songs. We were excited about what they came up with, and hope you will be too."