Posts in Miscellaneous
Free emails 2x per week

Are you a subscriber? Do you get our weekly updates via email? If so, your weekly email update turned into daily spam when we migrated to our new website (or at least if felt so). So sorry! Thanks for your patience.

2 emails for the price of none.

Starting this week (fingers crossed), you'll will begin to receive 2 emails a week. Tuesdays and Fridays. The rest of your spam email is not our fault...

MiscellaneousEric Turbedsky
Church Budget

Every month we publish an update on our church budget. These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local...but only in part! Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another, service to one another, or just time spent with one another. Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

October, 2012

$11,022 General Contributions

$10,959 Total Expenses

MiscellaneousEric Turbedsky
Pray for Tami

Our sister church in Pasadena needs your prayers.

This past Monday Tami Boomsma (wife of Sr. Pastor Ron Boomsma) was admitted into the hospital with kidney failure. She has been struggling with a rare disease (Wegener's) for a few months and this week has been the worst of it. As of today she is in ICU, heavily sedated and stable with a breathing tube. The physicians are doing everything they can.

Please pray for God to heal Tami. Please pray for Ron and their 5 children. Please pray for Sovereign Grace of Pasadena.

MiscellaneousChurch Staff
Daylight Savings

Daylight Savings ends this Sunday and you have two choices! Arrive early for church and hang out with all the other people who forgot to change their clocks OR set your clock back 1 hour and enjoy an extra hour of sleep.

MiscellaneousEric Turbedsky
New eNews

Notice anything different? Our weekly eNews is all new! Your weekly email is now a summary of our news blog called "Connect".

There are a couple reasons why we made the change...

  • News items are now search friendly. No more looking through old issues for the info you needed. Just use the search bar on our site (or even Google).
  • News can be posted when it happens, each item one at a time. Check Connect whenever you want.
  • Ministry leaders can post news independently. No more waiting on the "church office."
  • Greater visibility for guests and people learning about our church. 

Over the next couple weeks we'll be working out the bugs. You'll still receive your eNews but who knows...anything could go wrong and probably will.

P.S. Your first email will include last weeks eNews items as well as new news. Sorry about the redundancy.

MiscellaneousChurch Staff