Posts in Events
A Quiet Day for Women

Kelsey is inviting all women to her house for a day of relaxation, studying, and encouragement. This day of quiet is for all women of Sovereign Grace Church who feel like they could use a break, time to preach truth to themselves, and be a little less distracted. 

From Kelsey...

I had the idea at a recent small group meeting, when discussing our lives as moms: I realized that I am not the only woman that is tired and is struggling to spend in the word and fellowship with friends outside of Sunday morning and small group. It seems that moms especially have difficulty finding time to themselves, where they can spend time studying and learning more about scripture, and furthering their relationship with Christ. 

That's why I would like to invite all women, but especially all our moms, no matter how old your child(ren), to my home on Saturday, June 11 for a day of quiet. A day to spend however you would like, reading your bible and spending time alone, or engaging in a short study with other women. 

Saturday, June 11. 

No agenda. Just space and quiet.

 The door will open at 9am with coffee, tea and pastries and remain open until 4pm. More details to follow. 

Community, EventsAnne Adam
Help Our Church Council Lead Us

Our Pastoral Team and Deaconate meet twice a year to coordinate care and planning in the life of our church. We call them this our Church Council. You can read more about it near the bottom of our Leadership page.

As they gather on Wednesday evening, your insight into the needs and vulnerabilities of our shared ministry are helpful. Our goal is to ensure everyone experiences the blessings of the grace of God at work in our church. Do you know of any particular unmet needs? Is there a particular segment of our congregation that you believe is underserved? Do you have a heart to see our serving our church and community in a particular way? Take a moment to write to the Church Counsel.

Four Guys Every Sunday
Jerry, Omar, Jonathan, and Miguel

Jerry, Omar, Jonathan, and Miguel

“It’s important to have a map for people, not just a menu.”

We are on a mission to equip and deploy Christians for service and ministry. It's no secret. We believe our city is ripe for a harvest but the laborers are few. We believe we have a mandate to make disciples who make disciples.

One of many ways we are doing this is through the group Pastor Eric meets with on Sunday evenings. Just 4 guys for 5 months who have an ambition to attempt big things for God.

Learn more about our internship program.

Should We Pray For God To Save People?
Theology on Tap -

Theology on Tap -

Last night at Theology on Tap, the men had a spirited discussion about how prayer work. Lots of laughs. Lots of banter. It's been so good to talk about God with these guys. You can learn more about Theology on Tap and how you can participate here.

Our big question of the night was whether or not we should pray for God to save people. And our conclusion was a resounding yes!

Because God is sovereign.

Because God is good.

Because God uses means.

What role does prayer have in God's plan to save sinners? The same role preaching and evangelism and all the other things God calls us to do has in saving sinners. God is a God of means and prayer is part of how He is building his church.

Read Michael Horton's response to those who struggle with God sovereignty and our prayers.