Posts in Events
Member Meeting This Sunday

All church members and regular attenders.

Please BYO lunch this Sunday and plan for a one hour meeting immediately following our Sunday service. You eat, the pastors talk. We do this twice-a-year. It's an important part of how we function as a congregation.

Here's our agenda:

  • Our Church Member Rolls
  • A New Staff Compensation Policy
  • Progress on Lucas Enge's Ordination
  • Progress on Dustin Smetona's Pastoral Residency
  • A New Church Planting Initiative
Sundays, EventsChurch Staff
2016 Communion Dinner Photos

"Tonight we eat and drink...dreaming of an evening when we will be be seated at tables that spread to the four corners of the earth."

"Your salvation cannot fully be appreciated until you know that you are no longer alone."

"The Lord's table draws a line around the church by drawing a congregation around a table."

"Never forget the price He paid."

Communion Service Liturgy

Order of Service


Call to Worship

Jesus Paid It All


Pastoral Prayer


The Bread

Man Of Sorrows

Meal (continued)

The Cup

Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus



Our meal will be served family-style and children are welcome at the table. The menu is very basic (chicken and potatoes). Only Christians will be invited to participate in the bread and cup. Please plan on arriving by 4:45pm to deliver your food and find your seats.

Get your food assignments and more information here.

The Big Plan For The Big Meal This Sunday

Get ready! We are hosting a family-style feast on Sunday evening, March 13th. This will be a church-wide celebration punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

The church will be providing the main dish and drinks. All members and regular attenders are asked to contribute the following to the meal:

  • A household of 1 brings a dessert (fresh fruit or a bakery item).
  • A household of 2 brings a vegetable side or a salad.
  • A household of 3 brings a crockpot full of mashed potatoes.
  • A household of 4 or more brings a crockpot full of mashed potatoes AND a salad.

Our meal will be served family-style at long communal tables. Please bring serving utensils for your dishes and remember our March 13th Sunday morning service is canceled. If you would like to volunteer for setup, contact Anne.

Youth Meeting March 10
The infamous duck trading hands once again...

The infamous duck trading hands once again...

Thursday Night Youth Group

All junior and senior high are invited to join us March 10th, 7-9pm at the Davis home for fellowship and fun. We do this every month. Parents are welcome to stick around. Guests are always welcome.

Contact Lisa B. for the address or if you have questions.  

Events, MinistriesAnne Adam
Guests Eat Free This Sunday

Lunch is on us.

If you are a recent guest, first-time attender, just passing through, or have been around a couple weeks but haven't yet been to a guest luncheon, then please be our guest! Join us this Sunday, 03-06-16, immediately following the service, for a luncheon in the Woman's Club Garden.

We'd love to get to know you better.

The format is "come-and-go as you please" and kids are welcome. A few members of the church and one of our pastors will be there to greet you.

More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!

Events, SundaysChurch Staff
March Theology On Tap - Double Predestination

Double Predestination

This month at Theology on Tap the men are debating what role God has in the destiny of the damned? Does God choose people to be reprobate? Is the doctrine of double-predestination true?

Although the group is currently on a waiting-list only, you can still follow along on Facebook and do the homework. Watch out John Piper answer the question "Has God predetermined every detail in the universe, including sin?"