Posts in Events
The Simple Things In Life

Next Sermon Series

We begin a short series of sermons on Sunday, September 13th regarding the simple things. The things everyone says "it all comes back to." Join us as we celebrate some of what should be the best parts of our lives.

Food, family, and friends.

Events, SundaysChurch Staff
You Are Invited To Our After-School Playgroup

Hey everybody who has children!

Moms and kids of all ages are welcome to join us weekly on Tuesdays at Hart Park for fun and fellowship. There is a playground and restrooms nearby. Lots of parking.

Every Tuesday, 3-5pm at the playground.

Guests are always welcome. Bring your friends. Empty-nesters are encouraged to participate. For more information contact the church office or check out the news on Facebook.

Hurry Up And Enter Your Chili For Sunday


Freestyle Chili Cookoff

Join us for our 2015 Chili Cook Off. Anyone can enter. You don't need to attend our church.

Fabulous prizes. No rules. If you call it chili, we will judge you.

Sunday, August 24, 1:00pm at the Woman's Club Garden

Enter your chili here.

*Please note that this is a BYO picnic. Everyone can taste the chili, but please bring your own lunch to eat.