Posts in Events
Get Ready for Star Wars Sunday


Star Wars

What do you do when you buy a new projection screen? You break it in by watching Star Wars (Episode 4 of course). Mark your calendars. We are planning a church-wide, matinee viewing of Star Wars to celebrate. 

BYO lunch with "Buck a slice" Pizza available. Lightsabers and stormtrooper costumes optional.

Sunday, August 9th

Guest Reception This Sunday

We host the best free lunch in Old Towne Orange.

If you are a recent guest, first-time attender, just passing through, or have been around a couple weeks and haven't been to a guest luncheon yet, please be our guest! Join us this Sunday, 07-19-15, immediately following the service for a luncheon in the Woman's Club Garden.

We'd love to get to know you better.

The format is "come-and-go as you please" and kids are welcome. More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then.

Philippines Medical Missions Trip

Apply by August 7th.

Our partners in the Philippines are planning to host a Medical Missions Trip in February, 2015. If you are interested in participating, please review and submit your application by August 7th.

Learn more and download the application.

Putting Australia On Our Map

Sunday, August 2nd

Dave Taylor, Senior Pastor of our sister church in Sydney, Australia will be with us on Sunday, August 2nd. He'll be preaching God's word and providing updates on the part our sister churches are playing in the advance of the gospel around the Pacific Rim.

This is going to be a good opportunity for us to celebrate our partnership and foster greater faith for God's work outside our neighborhood.

Our Next Major Sermon Series

We love the bible.

We love God's Word for His words bring us life. We study them. We meditate upon them. We listen to them in hopes that the Holy Spirit might transform us by hearing them. We are the people of The Book. This is why we love sermons.

Beginning this Fall.

This Fall we will begin a year-long series on the First Letter to the Corinthians. Like we've done in the past, we will work through it line by line, allowing the message of the text to be the main point of our sermons.

Please pray regularly for this season in the life of our church. Every book of the bible that we have studied from the pulpit has shaped us. We must expect no less this time.

May the gospel thunder again from our pulpit.

Events, SundaysChurch Staff
Outdoor Service This Sunday In Old Towne Orange

Change of Plans

Surprise! Our Sunday service this week is in the Woman's Club garden. They are refinishing the hardwood floors and we will only have access to the lobby.

No Sunday School. No Children's Ministry. No Bookstore.

There will be room to care/corral young children in the back of the garden. We will have a full band, communion, and a baptism during the service. And Pastor Eric is preaching from Mark 14 and the final meal of the most important person who has ever lived. Jesus.

Sundays, EventsChurch Staff