Posts in Events
Pray For My Retreat

A few times a year, I break away from my usual schedule and surroundings to spend some extended, uninterrupted time of study, prayer, and planning. I set specific goals for my times away and typically have one or two major projects to focus my efforts. And each time God surprises me.

The best parts are always the unplanned parts.

This time I'm working on our next major sermon series> I'm also evaluating how we can train and care for our church leaders better. I love doing this stuff for you and hope I can get it all done. But again, my guess is God has more.

So would you please pray for me, Sovereign Grace Church? Pray the Lord teaches me as I study. Pray He impresses on my heart his priorities. Pray He gives me wisdom and insight. Pray for my family as I am away.

Thanks for praying. I know you do and it means the world to me. See you Sunday.

Women's Retreat 15

Join the women of Sovereign Grace Church for 2 days of friendship, study, and rest. Women 18 years and older who attend our church regularly are invited. Meals included. Financial assistance available. Let's grow together into a community of women who help other women.

Thursday September 24, 7:00PM through Saturday September 26, 11:00AM

Learn more and register here.

Vote For Church Camp

Labor Day Camping Trip

Each year we battle every the other groups in California for a summer campsite at Refugio State Beach. Some years we get great dates. Some years not so great. This year we've been able secure a Monday through Thursday reservation.

September 7-10, 2015

That's Labor Day (Monday) through Thursday. Not exactly the best time for everyone to take vacation. And with this in mind, we'd need to hear from you. Would you go? No commitment right now. Just help us decide if we should go for it or not.

Some info for the newbies: The cost is approx. $100 per household, there's no agenda, the beach and fellowship are to die for :)

Please vote, especially if your answer is no.

Introducing Our Newest Church Members

This past Sunday we celebrated our newest church members. They are gifts from God to us, people who will enrich our lives and make us a stronger. May Jesus be glorified as we love one another as the family of God.

From left to right:

Ashely and Dominic (with Harrison)

Whitney and Luke (engaged)

Rachael and Peter (with Piper and Reagan)






Your Small Group Leader Loves You

Your Small Group leader loves you.

Once a month our small group leaders gather for fellowship, prayer, and training. It's one of the many ways they serve behind the scenes, quietly and without recognition. Despite all the other things that fill their busy lives, leading us is a priority. They do it because they care about us. They do it because they need it themselves. They do it because it's right.

"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2 ESV)

Please pray for your small group leader. Their ministry is really our ministry, for our Small Group Ministry is a every-member ministry. They meet this Friday night, 7-9pm.