Posts in Events
Prepare To Be Grateful For New Friends

New Member Sunday

This Sunday we welcome new friends into our church. These are individuals God has arranged to be joined to us for our good, the good of our church, and for His glory. They have completed Starting Point, been interviewed by our leaders, and are eager to press into the life of our church body.

"But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose." (1 Corinthians 12:18 ESV)

It's one thing to be somewhere, another thing to belong. This is what we communicate when a person becomes a member of our church. We are all agreeing with one belong to us and we belong to you. This church becomes your church as much as any other member of the church.

You belong to us. We belong to you.

Events, SundaysChurch Staff
We Reached Our Goal - Let's Celebrate

Video Campaign

Great news. God has provided the finances to purchase better video equipment. This new gear will meet the needs of our growing church. More people will be able to see the lyrics on Sundays and join us in singing the anthem of saving grace. Thanks to all who gave cheerfully and sacrificially. May God use it all to bring him glory.

Star Wars

So what do you do when you buy a big projection screen? You break it in by watching Star Wars! Episode 4 of course. Mark your calendars. We are planning a church-wide, afternoon viewing of Star Wars to celebrate. BYO lunch.

Sunday, August 9th

Look Who Got Hugger Mugged

Last week our Youth Group went Hugger Mugging, extravagantly thanking God for some of the members of our church. They decorated their home, left messages of thanks, knocked on the door, and then ran for their lives. It was so much fun!

Inviting Friends To Small Group

The Card Group...

Our small group welcomed special visitors from Dubai this week.  It was the last night of Norooz (the Persian New Year) and Ali and Mina's extended family spent the evening with us feasting on burgers in our backyard.

The kids played games, rode the zip line, and hunted for Easter eggs. Chocolate is truly the international language.

The adults talked non stop.

We were delighted to hear that Californians are much friendlier those they encountered in other states. We were encouraged to hear gratitude expressed for the way we have adopted Ali and Mina into our church family. We swapped parenting tips, learned more about the traditional foods served for Norooz, and talked about camping and hummingbirds. What is it about balmy California evenings with good friends and good food?

Our new friends head for home on Sunday but are planning to come back and go camping with us next summer. 

Learn more about our Small Groups.