Posts in Events
Leadership Counsel Agenda

Our pastors meet regularly with group of men from the church to discuss the "big picture." We call them the Leadership Counsel, a group of trusted friends who know Eric and Mike and love us (Sovereign Grace). They aren't pastors...they are your pastors' counselors.

They meet again this Saturday morning and here's is what's on the agenda. Please consider taking time while they meet to pray for them and these items:

  1. Helping newcomers engage in the life of our church.
  2. Updating our Bylaws.
  3. Proposed audio/video equipment purchases.
  4. Contributions to our denomination's Mission Fund.
  5. Evaluating the current Leadership Counsel's mission, structure, and goals.
EventsChurch Staff
Pastor Eric At Redeeming Grace This Friday

Please pray.

Pastor Eric is speaking at a men's event in Desert Springs this Friday evening. Along with the obligatory beard jokes, his topic will be "Knowing God as Father."

We've enjoyed a long relationship with Redeeming Grace Church and are so grateful for their faithful proclamation of the gospel in Coachella Valley. Please pray their men would continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and abound in good works.


EventsChurch Staff
The Youth Are Serving Seniors This Week

Youth Meeting This Week

Our Junior/Senior High Students meet monthly for community, service, and study. This month we are headed to a senior assisted-living home to sing with the residents. Then afterwards to the Cards residence for dessert and ping pong...or ping pong and dessert. Just not ping pong dessert.

We meet in the parking lot, 6:15PM.

Orange Healthcare & Wellness Center 920 W. La Veta Orange, CA 92868


New Years Recommendations

New Years is a great time to evaluate the past and plan for the future. As Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." Here are a few resources to get you started.

Bible Reading Plans

Spend more time reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on scripture. Tim Challies provides a good roundup.

52 Sundays

Develop a commitment to worshiping with the church. There is a strong correlation between church attendance and spiritual health. Here's a list of articles from our 2014 plan.

Biblical Friendships

Our relationship with other christians is often more important than we think. And takes more effort too. Buy this book and resolve to build better friends this year.

Join A Ministry Team

Be who God has called you to be: a saint busy with the work of ministry (Ephesians 4), walking in good works (Ephesians 2), always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15). Go here to connect with a ministry team leader.

Be Accountable

Invite your friends into your life online. You'll be spending a lot of 2015 consuming media. Check out our free offer to every member of Sovereign Grace Church.


Thank You For Christmas Eve

A wonderful evening.

Our Christmas Eve Service was beautiful and we want to thank everyone who made it possible. It's no small thing to break away from the holiday fun to serve behind the scenes. These are just a few of the many:

Dylan Sohie - Audio

Lisa Blackman - Hospitality

The Davises and Espositos - Set-up/Take-down

Dustin Smetona and Rachel Reed - Music

Steve and Vikki Cook - Music

Please pray for the many guests who attended the service. May God grant them the gift of sight, that they might see Christ and know His power to save. 

Events, CommunityChurch Staff