Posts in Events
Questions And Answers After The Sermon

Gender and Our Relationship With Ourselves

This Sunday will be the second in a series of 3 sermons on the theology of our sexuality. You can find notes from the first sermon here.

Sunday, 12:45pm

Immediately following the service this week, our pastoral team will be hosting a 30 minute question and answer session in the Woman's Club garden. We'd encourage you to plan to participate and submit your questions ahead of time via email or at the info table on Sunday.

Events, SundaysChurch Staff
On Tap This Week: Spiritual Gifts

Theology on Tap is monthly conversations in an informal setting, with "men talking like men" about God. The topics are chosen to challenge the group, and the discussion leader always offers a few resources to prepare everyone before the meeting. Learn more here.

The "signs and wonders" gifts.

What distinction should we make between the "signs and wonders" gifts and the ordinary equipping of the saints? Is the gift of prophecy for the church today? What about the gift of healing? Read along as our current group discusses these questions this week. This is their homework for November (Please note that the following resources are for discussion purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect our churches doctrinal positions.).

The Case for Cessationism

The New Testament Gift of Prophecy

What do we believe about Spiritual Gifts?

The best essay ever written on spiritual gifts today.

Rick Gamache: The Gospel and Growth

One of the highlights from the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference last month was a session entitled The Gospel and Growth by Rick Gamache. You can listen to it here.

"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."  (Philippians 2:12-13 ESV)

Congregational Input Deadline is Today

Deacons are part of God's plan to advance his Word through us. They ensure our testimony as a church equals the testimony of the Scriptures...that our walk and talk match up. As Pastor Eric has said, "We need to repent of our preoccupation with growth management practices and go back to the Bible. When the church grows and her ministries get stretched, God's says elect deacons, not adopt better business practices."

The pastors have nominated David Christensen as candidate for the office of Deacon.

David is our current "reigning" church intern and preparing to return full time to the marketplace. We couldn't be more pleased with his progress and are hopeful for his future. David would make for a strong addition to our newly established deaconate ministry.

Please submit your input before November 2, 2014.

As per our constitutional documents, you have 14 days to provide the pastors written feedback regarding this nomination. We strongly encourage every church member to participate in the phase of the ordination process. You won't be prohibited from participating later, but now is the time for you to speak affirmations and concerns.

During the ordination process, members of the church are asked and given opportunity to submit in writing their observations, affirmation, or critique of the man in question. This is not to propagate gossip and slander, but to allow opportunity to stop the process if there is information the pastors lack in evaluating the man. Additionally, affirmation will help confirm the selection of the candidate. Such feedback is an important opportunity for the congregation to assist in the ordination process.

Qualifications for the office of deacon.

Contact information for the pastoral team.


Events, MinistriesChurch Staff
Hosting International Students for Thanksgiving

Every year USC matches international students with families in our area for the Thanksgiving holiday. If you've been around , you've probably seen a few of us participate. It's a ton of fun and a great way to welcome others into our homes and life together.

You can do this too.

Happy autumn from USC's Office of International Services (OIS)!  With the holiday season around the corner, we are gearing up for our annual Thanksgiving Match-Up Program. We greatly appreciate our families who have hosted USC international students in the past and hope that you will help us continue the tradition this year. Our students come from all over the world and are eager to take part in this great American cultural tradition. Year after year, we have heard nothing but wonderful stories from students as you have welcomed them into your home and created lasting memories of their time in the US. Last Thanksgiving, we successfully matched 130 students with 40 host families. This year, due to the popularity of this program and the increase in our student population, we expect that number to grow even larger. Please help us share this wonderful event with our students and register to be a host family this Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2014. 
To volunteer as a host family, please complete our online form.
The application deadline is November 7, 2014.  

If you have any questions or would like to refer your friends and family to participate in this program, please contact Hanna Lee, International Student Advisor, at (213) 740-2666 or by

Community, EventsChurch Staff