Posts in Events
Introducing Our New Deacon

Deacon Les Card

This Sunday we reached a significant milestone in the life of our church. We ordained our first deacon. Les Card.

Deacons are like shock absorbers. When the church grows and resources are spread thin, deacons are there to bring unity and stability. They are like first responders, providing the leadership we need to ensure no one is left out or left behind.

Deacons watch out for the least among us.

Deacons navigate the challenges of church growth.

Deacons serve so pastors can serve as pastors.

Pray for Les. Pray for his wife Sue and his children. The pastors have asked him to spend the next year developing a plan to build a robust deaconate ministry within our church.

Why Sovereign Grace Church Needs Deacons

This is a big week in the life of our young church. We are ordaining our first deacon on Sunday and you are invited to watch. This should be a wonderful moment as we thank God for the gift of leadership and pray for our future together.

If you're new and not sure what we mean by "ordaining," it's just a fancy way of saying we are appointing someone to an official office of the church. And if you're wondering what deacons do and why we need them, here's a brief list (check out the full blog post here).

Deacons are servants.

Deacons promote diversity.

Deacons work for unity.

Deacons preserve pastoral ministry.

Deacons are missional.


Events, SundaysChurch Staff
Church Members Meeting This Sunday Afternoon

Members and Regular Attenders

Please plan on participating in our regularly scheduled members meeting this Sunday, immediately following our service. Bring your lunch and plan on hearing some important updates regarding our shared ministry: deacons, finances, church planting, and more.

You eat. We talk. 90 minutes max.

Four Reasons To Celebrate Our New Irvine Small Group

This month a new small group formed in the city of Irvine. We took friends from 3 different groups and sent them back to their hometown to reproduce what we are experiencing in other small groups in Orange, Tustin, and Santa Ana.

Here are 4 reasons this group is awesome.

  • Pastor Mike and his wife Lois are a part of the group. Why? Because pastors are people too. They need friendship, encouragement, help, and people to serve.
  • Four of the households live nearby. They work, shop, live, and play in the same "neighborhood." Geography helps when it comes to doing life together.
  • The hosts are first-time hosts. They have never hosted a "christian meeting" in their home before. Way to go Ali and Mina.
  • Jesus will be the topic at every meeting, every week, for as long as they are called to be a small group.






Twelve Prophets, One Gospel

Jesus According to the Minor Prophets

Twelve weeks, twelve prophets, and one gospel: all pointing us towards one glorious Savior. Discover Jesus living in the midst of some of the most obscure books of your Bible.

Beginning Sunday, October 19th

Join us in the garden for the start of our new study. Sunday School begins at 10:00am. 

Looking for a way to enhance your study through our new series? Swing by the bookstore and pick up a copy of Iain Duguid's little book "Is Jesus in the Old Testament?" 

Guest Reception This Sunday

Lunch is on us.

If you are a recent guest, first-time attender, just passing through, or have been around a couple weeks but haven't yet been to a guest luncheon, then please be our guest! Join us this Sunday, 10-12-14, immediately following the service, for a luncheon in the Woman's Club Garden.

We'd love to get to know you better.

The format is "come-and-go as you please" and kids are welcome. More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!