Posts in Events
Notes From Our Members Meeting

Big thanks to all of you who participated in our Church Members Meeting this past Sunday. There is something beautiful about real people engaged in the business of a real church, even when the business isn't very exciting. Our member meetings won't draw crowds, but that's ok. We're being faithful plodders.

The best churches are full of gospel-saturated people holding tenaciously to a vision of godly obedience and God’s glory, and pursuing that godliness and glory with relentless, often unnoticed, plodding consistency.

We covered a number of important items and you can download the public notes here. Two action items you should keep in mind:

  1. Pray for an increase in spontaneous participation during our services. May God equip us to arrive Sundays ready to read Scripture, speak encouraging words, and pray for needs.
  2. Provide feedback regarding the nomination of Les Card as Deacon. He is certainly a gift to the church and everybody is grateful for him, but we need your input before we proceed.
Lunch This Sunday After Church

You have lunch plans.

All church members and regular attenders are asked to participate in our regularly scheduled Member Meeting. If you call our church your home church, please please please attend. These meeting equip you to be Sovereign Grace Church.

This Sunday, June 8th.

Immediately after the service.

One hour. BYO lunch.

Bring your lunch to church. After the service, we'll transition to the Woman's Club garden. Kids can play while we provide denominational updates, progress on nominating deacons, and church finances. You eat. We talk. Smiles all the way around.

Help Us Write Better Gooder Songs

Our denomination is known for producing great songs. It's often one of the first ways people learn about us and one of the first comments we receive from visitors.

"We love your music."

But what if there was a new wave of songwriters that grew up alongside the new wave of gospel-centered churches? We would all benefit, wouldn't we? More churches singing better songs.

This is the vision behind Songwriters Camp 2014. Get some of the best songwriters together with future songwriters, put them in a room, and transfer what we've learned to a future generation.

Check out Bob Kauflin's recommendation at

Guest Luncheon This Sunday

Guests and newcomers.

We would love an opportunity to get to know you better. Join us this Sunday, 05-25-14, immediately following the service, for a guest luncheon at a home in Old Towne Orange. 

Lunch is on us, all you have to do is show up. It's a come-and-go as you please format and kids are welcome. Members of the church and a pastor will be there to greet you.

More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!

Sunday In Review

1.  Our Church Intern - Graduated with his masters degree in Biblical Studies this past Friday from The Master's College.  A celebration will take place this Saturday.  For more information contact the church office.

2.  Redeeming Grace Church - Thank you for sending Pastor Eric to Indio to preach and encourage our fellow believers.  

You can listen to David preach from 1 Peter or listen to Pastor Eric as he taught from Mark 1.  

Mother's Day At Sovereign Grace Church

This Sunday is Mother's Day.

Mother's Day isn't a Christian holiday, but we love our moms and so does God. In fact, we meet in the Woman's Club of Orange, so we're pretty much the biggest fan of mothers, daughters, and sisters of any church anywhere!

So bring your mom to church this Sunday (Dads can come too). We promise we won't ask her to do anything embarrassing. We'll stop and pray for all the ladies during the service and make sure the service ends on time. Go ahead and make lunch reservations for 1pm. Old Towne Orange is a great place to tell the women in your life "You are beautiful."