Posts in Community
Immigration and the Gospel

It is our ambition to be good citizens of the heavenly kingdom by being good citizens of the earthly one. In order to do this we have to think hard through many important issues. One of them is immigration.

This is not merely a national issue for us. We have families in our church who are deeply impacted by the rhetoric and policies which surround immigration. What follows is an article that will help us understand how the gospel comes to bear on this particular issue.

The post is written by Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. You can find the original article here:


The Christian response to immigrant communities in the United States cannot be “You kids get off of my lawn” in Spanish. While evangelicals, like other Americans, might disagree on the political specifics of achieving a just and compassionate immigration policy, our rhetoric must be informed by more than politics, but instead by gospel and mission.

I’m amazed when I hear evangelical Christians speak of undocumented immigrants in this country with disdain as “those people” who are “draining our health care and welfare resources.” It’s horrifying to hear those identified with the gospel speak, whatever their position on the issues, with mean-spirited disdain for the immigrants themselves.

This is a gospel issue. First of all, our Lord Jesus himself was a so-called “illegal immigrant.” Fleeing, like many of those in our country right now, a brutal political situation, our Lord’s parents sojourned with him in Egypt (Matt. 2:13-23). Jesus, who lived out his life for us, spent his childhood years in a foreign land away from his relatives among people speaking a different language with strange customs.

In so doing, our Lord Jesus was re-living the life of Israel, our ancestors in the faith, who were also immigrants and sojourners in Egypt (Exod. 1:1-14; 1 Chron. 16:19; Acts 7:6). It is this reality, the Bible tells us, that is to ground our response to those who sojourn among us (Exod. 22:21; Ps. 94:6; Jer.7:6; Ezek. 22:29; Zech. 7:10). God, the Bible says, “executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt” (Deut. 10:18-19).

This is much more than a “political” issue, abstracted from our salvation. Jesus tells us that our response to the most vulnerable among us is a response to Jesus Himself (Matt. 25:40). God will judge those who exploit workers and mistreat the poor. No matter how invisible they seem to us now, God hears (Isa. 3:15; Amos 4:1; Jas.5:4).

This is also a question of our mission. There are upwards of 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country right now, and many more in the Latino community who came here legally. If our response to them is to absorb the nativism and bigotry of some elements of society around us, we are showing them a vision of what the Bible calls “the flesh” rather than the Spirit. If our churches ignore the nations around us who are living in our own communities, we will reflect 1970s Bible Belt America rather than the kingdom of God which is made up of those from every tribe, tongue, nation, and language (Rev. 7:9).

It is easy to lash out at undocumented immigrants as “law-breakers,” and to cite Romans 13 as reason to simply call for deportation and retribution. But this issue is far more complicated than that. Yes, undocumented immigrants are violating the law, but, first of all, most of them are doing so in order to provide a future for their families in flight from awful situations back home. Many of them are children (as our Lord Jesus was at the time of his immigration).

And, even given our nation’s Romans 13 responsibility to maintain secure borders, the message our nation sends to those across our borders isn’t clear and univocal. As Southern Baptist leader Richard Land puts it, there are two metaphorical signs on our border: “Keep out” and “Help wanted.”

This isn’t to say that there aren’t real political challenges here. I agree that the border should be secured. I support holding businesses accountable for hiring, especially since some of them use the threat of deportation as a way of exploiting these vulnerable workers. I support a realistic means of providing a way to legal status for the millions of immigrants already here. But there are many who disagree with me, and for valid reasons.

The larger issue is in how we talk about this issue, recognizing that this is not about “issues” or “culture wars” but about persons made in the image of God. Our churches must be the presence of Christ to all persons, regardless of country of origin or legal status. We need to stand against bigotry and harassment and exploitation, even when it’s politically profitable for those who stand with us on other issues.

And, most importantly, we must love our brothers and sisters in the immigrant communities. We must be the presence of Christ to and among them, even as we receive ministry from them. Our commitment to a multinational kingdom of God’s reconciliation in Christ must be evident in the verbal witness of our gospel and in the visible makeup of our congregations.

Immigration isn’t just an issue. It’s an opportunity to see that, as important as the United States of America is, there will be a day when the United States of America will no longer exist. And on that day, the sons and daughters of God will stand before the throne of a former undocumented immigrant. Some of them are migrant workers and hotel maids now. They will be kings and queens then. They are our brothers and sisters forever.

We might be natural-born Americans, but we’re all immigrants to the kingdom of God (Eph. 2:12-14). Whatever our disagreements on immigration as policy, we must not disagree on immigrants as persons. Our message to them, in every language and to every person, must be “Whosoever will may come.”

5 Solas

For the next five Sundays in October we'll be taking a close look at the five solas of the reformation. Come learn how these five doctrines sparked a revolutionary pivot in church history, and consequently framed everything we believe as a church. Sunday School meets in the Women's Club garden at 10:00am

Grace Alone

Faith Alone

Christ Alone

Scriptures Alone

All for the Glory of God Alone

Picnics In The Plaza

We are moving.

Our pattern of guest receptions (with our trademark BUCK-O-SLICE pizza) is changing. The Woman's Club garden is also becoming less available. All of this means we need a new place to picnic.

So beginning this November, we will move over to the plaza. First Sundays. Every other month. We'll have blankets on the lawn. A great time to share a meal and meet our neighbors.

You can read more about our new guest lunches here.


Community, Events, SundaysChurch Staff
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Fair Warning This Sunday

The Orange International Street Fair

This Sunday our community will hold one of the largest block parties in California. Our church is located one block away. This is going to be fun!

Arrive Early

Plan on arriving early than usual to locate a parking spot. The city will be charging to park in many of the lots and so will all the residents in the driveway. It's not really that bad since our service is early. The fair goers arrive later.

Stay Late

We'll be meeting up on the lawn in front of our church offices after the service. Bring some lunch or buy food at the fair. Look for us on the NE corner of Chapman and Grand. We'll be the ones people-watching.

Learn more about the fair.

Meetup After Church This Sunday

500,000 people are expected to visit our neighborhood this weekend for the Orange International Street Fair. There will be 15 ethnic streets with 42 food and drink booths. It's the biggest weekend of the year for Old Towne Orange.

Meetup After Church

We will set up picnic blankets on the lawn outside our church office (the corner of Chapman and Grand). Bring your overpriced street fair food, your kids, and enjoy the shade and fellowship. 

Chili Cook Off Tips And Tricks

2016 Freestyle Chili Cook Off

Want to win it all? You're going to have to work hard to impress your friends. Here are a few helpful tips and tricks to ensure your entry into the immortal Hall of Chili Champions. 

  • The name is the game. Theological puns, poking fun at our pastors, or hipster irony will win you points.
  • The power of presentation. Looking good is almost as good as tasting good. For example, Pastor Mike keeps bringing an open can of store-bought chili and, although a perennial runners-up, he proves the point. You must mask your store-bought chili in a crockpot!
  • You can't win it if you aren't in it. Duh. In fact, if nobody brings chili than we all lose. It's not really about the chili anyways, is it? 

Learn more and register today.

Last Week In Pictures