Posts in Community
Life in Old Town Orange

Check out some of the great stuff happening in our neighborhood. The summer has arrived and it's good to be part of Old Towne Orange.

I Heart Old Towne Orange

In particular, notice the community youth basketball program. A number of families from our church have participated in this league. Same goes for the swimming program at Hart Park.

And then there is the tour for urban chicken keepers. Pastor Eric and his daughter give this one a 2 thumbs up.


What was the ultimate cause that led Jesus to die for our sins?

Was there any other way for God to save his church? 

Did Christ fully pay for the sins of all unbelievers too?

Join us in Sunday School for a three week study on the Atonement as we take a brief break from our current series: What is God like?

June 14 - The Necessity of the Atonement  

June 21 - The Nature of the Atonement

June 28 - The Extent of the Atonement

"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." - 2 Corinthians 5:21

Are You Looking For More Friends?

We are small groups.

Are you looking for more friends? More relationships that extend beyond Sundays at church? Our guess is you are and so are we. Christianity is more than a supernatural phenomenon. It has a social dimension as well.

We are one.

You wouldn't know it by visiting us on a Sunday, but nearly the entire church is active in our Small Group Ministry. Why? Because sitting next to each other and listening to a sermon isn't Christianity. The connection between Jesus and you is intended to transform the way you relate to others as well. You can't be a Jesus-only person. We are Jesus plus Jesus-people people. And our Small Groups are designed to make this true.

Learn more and visit your first meeting soon.