Posts in Community
Grace's Send-off Party

Join us for a big party to celebrate our friend Grace. She is leaving for San Francisco to begin her studies in Physical Therapy.

Wednesday, May 27th 7:00PM

The Davis Residence - Tustin, CA

Everyone is invited. If your last name begins with the letters A through G, bring a snack. If you last name begins with the letters H through Z bring a drink. Email Pastor Mike for more information.

Tragedies in Old Towne Orange

Two events over the past few weeks have caused our city to pause and consider the reality that every day could be your last day. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will be like this one.

Pastor Mike led us in prayer for these families on Sunday.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too." (2 Cor. 1:3-4 ESV)

Women's Retreat 15

Join the women of Sovereign Grace Church for 2 days of friendship, study, and rest. Women 18 years and older who attend our church regularly are invited. Meals included. Financial assistance available. Let's grow together into a community of women who help other women.

Thursday September 24, 7:00PM through Saturday September 26, 11:00AM

Learn more and register here.

Wrestling With The Baltimore Protests

Our very own Jason was featured in The Washington Post this past week.

Four ways we can wrestle with the Baltimore protests without fueling the fire

“Two circles make a triangle. I’m right!” I was driving my 4-year-old daughter Luna home from preschool when out of the back seat, without any, provocation she tells us this nugget of wisdom.

Unfortunately I find this be the tone of dialogue on race relations in America, especially now in Baltimore. We find ourselves convinced of our positions without any hope of budge.

To those who already know they are right, I doubt a blog or any historical precedence have any affect. Enjoy your coffee.

But! To those willing to wrestle, I humbly submit four ideas to hang your thoughts on.

  1. Understand: we are all image bearers of God
  2. Consider: Understanding is not condoning
  3. Remember: Events don’t happen in a vacuum
  4. Look forward: We are the problem, but we are not without hope

"I believe the forgiveness found in Jesus is powerful enough not only to fix the wrongs of my past, but also to transform how I live in the present."

Read the entire article over at

Vote For Church Camp

Labor Day Camping Trip

Each year we battle every the other groups in California for a summer campsite at Refugio State Beach. Some years we get great dates. Some years not so great. This year we've been able secure a Monday through Thursday reservation.

September 7-10, 2015

That's Labor Day (Monday) through Thursday. Not exactly the best time for everyone to take vacation. And with this in mind, we'd need to hear from you. Would you go? No commitment right now. Just help us decide if we should go for it or not.

Some info for the newbies: The cost is approx. $100 per household, there's no agenda, the beach and fellowship are to die for :)

Please vote, especially if your answer is no.

Introducing Our Newest Church Members

This past Sunday we celebrated our newest church members. They are gifts from God to us, people who will enrich our lives and make us a stronger. May Jesus be glorified as we love one another as the family of God.

From left to right:

Ashely and Dominic (with Harrison)

Whitney and Luke (engaged)

Rachael and Peter (with Piper and Reagan)




