Posts in Community
The Art Of Marriage

A Six Week Study.

Join Jim and Angie (hosts) for a six week study designed to strengthen your marriage. Using the video series titled "The Art of Marriage", you'll spend time learning together in the group and alone as couples. This is a great way to grow healthy marriages in the context of community, learning from teachers like Wayne Grudem, Al Mohler, and Paul Tripp.

The next group meets 2nd and 4th Fridays, March 27th through June 26th at Jim and Angie's residence. There is no childcare provided and the cost is $10 per couple.

Beginning March 27th, 7pm.

Email the host for more info and registration.

We Thank God For Deacon Dave

Deacon David Christensen

This past Sunday we celebrated the ordination of our second deacon. You can see all our leaders here and the process with which we ordain deacons here. This was yet another reminder of how much God loves us and cares for us.

Deacons are men called by God to lead us by serving us. They do more than ensure no one goes without basic necessities, deacon's protect the communal joy we share in Christ.

Deacons are servants.

Deacons promote diversity.

Deacons work for unity.

Deacons preserve pastoral ministry.

Deacons are missional.