Posts in Community
Guest Luncheon This Sunday

Guests and newcomers.

We would love an opportunity to get to know you better. Join us this Sunday, 05-25-14, immediately following the service, for a guest luncheon at a home in Old Towne Orange. 

Lunch is on us, all you have to do is show up. It's a come-and-go as you please format and kids are welcome. Members of the church and a pastor will be there to greet you.

More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!

The Second Most Important Book

Four months ago, our pastors presented a plan to better manage and maintain our Church Membership Rolls. It's an important document that serves us all. "The second most important book," Garrett Kell calls it.

The directory, if designed and used well, can be one of the most practical tools to helping you and your church fulfill the "one another commands" of the New Testament.

To this end, we have now notified all past members of their removal from our rolls. They have each received this letter and we plan on publishing an update at our next Church Member Meeting (Sunday, June 8, 2014).

If you believe you should have received this letter and did not, we may not have your most recent contact information. Please receive our apologies and contact us if you have further questions.

Register Now For Everything

It's that time of year. Summer is coming, the popsicle cart is out, and plans are being made. Here's a few opportunities to do stuff together. Some of them require you to register.

  • Songwriters Camp - Register for 3 days of learning, writing, and fellowship. 16 years and older. Steve and Vikki Cook and Bob Kauflin. Learn more here.
  • Worship God 2014 - Volunteer at the premier "all things Sunday music" conference. We're the host church. The world is coming. And we need your help. Learn more here.
  • Beach Camp 2014 - Registration is already more than half full and guests of the church are now welcome to register. Don't miss the campiest event of the year. Learn more here.
  • 2nd Annual Freestyle Chili Cook Off - A spicy ending to a summer of fun. Mark your calendars. August 24th. You have lunch plans. Learn more and register your entry here.
Events, CommunityChurch Staff
Youth Group In Old Towne Orange

The April youth event was a picture scavenger hunt. The youth were set loose in Old Town Orange and Chapman University. They were on a mission to explore the city we minister in. They had fun looking for Chapman students, beards, antique shops, and baristas. Check out some of the photos from the scavenger hunt here

Sunday School For The Unchurched

A little over a year ago, Nate Adam proposed we begin offering an adult Sunday School class. Most of us (our leaders, members, and regular attenders) had never been part of a church that did this kind of thing. Sunday School was for the old school (pardon the pun). Getting up early is hard. This is the kind of thing church people do. Who knew it would turn into what it is today?

Three cheers for old things made new.