Posts in Community
Am I Too Innocent

Posted by an anonymous church member...

My coworkers are not always the most encouraging bunch of people. I do my best to engage in conversation, but most shifts include banter that leaves me discouraged.

Jokes often end with offhanded statements about me not understanding their humor. I’m "too innocent” they say. And until recently, this felt like one big insult.

But I am different.

Then it came to me. Any change in my heart can only be because of a work of the Holy Spirit. My coworkers are witnessing a work of God in me! 

I have trusted the innocent Christ. He died and with Him I too have died. He lives and with Him I too now live. His Spirit in me is transforming me. My heart melts at the reality of forgiveness and love. I have been made righteous and bear a resemblance to my Savior, the only truly innocent one.

I see Jesus.

I can’t say that I now enjoy ever joke my coworkers make at my expense. I still don’t enjoy being mocked or misunderstood. However, now I see that when they call me “too innocent” they are right in doing so. And it reminds me of Jesus. Every time.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 ESV)

Community, StoriesChurch Staff
Work Permits

Guess who just got their U.S. work permits?

Congrats to Ali and Mina! Our God is good and faithful and we have no reason to doubt that He will care for you. Now we can all start praying for jobs and residency... 

Community, StoriesChurch Staff
Thanksgiving Morning Fun

Every year on Thanksgiving morning we play together. But this year we seem to be veering off from our tradition. No Flag Football...this year it's soccer (or as we like to call it "Un-American Football"). 


We will play for a few hours. All ages, skill levels, and guests are welcome to join in the action. Or just bring a cup of coffee and cheer on the competitors!

Directions to Hart Park

A review of Sunday.....

1.   This Sunday David Christensen will be preaching his first sermon as our church intern.  The following week, Ron Boomsma (Sr. Pastor of our sister church in Pasadena) will be here visiting and preaching.  Finally, during the month of December we will be celebrating Advent with a series of three sermons on the claims Jesus made about his divinity.   This is a great season to invite your friends, family, and coworkers!


2.  Year end church financial reports are available online.  Thank you for being a generous church.  God is using your giving to glorify Jesus by ministering to one another and our city.  Enjoy God's pleasure as you labor and give!


3.  If you have skills, we want you to serve!  The worship team is  looking for people interested in using their gifts to serve our church and glorify God.   The team is making plans for the winter/spring schedule - sign-up here!  

4.  We have an opportunity to serve others this Christmas by volunteering at Operation Christmas Child.  Adults and youth ages 13 and older are invited to join us as we serve in the warehouse processing thousands of Shoe Boxes.  Don't know much about this ministry?  Check it out and share in bringing joy to lots of children around the world!!