Posts in Community
Church Budget

Every month we publish an update on our church budget. These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church...but only in part! Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another, service to one another, or just time spent with one another? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

July, 2013

$  6,481 General Contributions

$  9,411 Total Expense


CommunityChurch Staff
Fully Funded
david christensen headshot.png

We are thrilled to inform you that David Christensen's internship is now fully funded and set to begin September 1, 2013. Thank you church and thank you friends of our church. Your generosity is further proof of God's grace at work in you and God's love and care for his saints in Orange County.

Join us in praying that David's internship proves fruitful as God's word advances in our church and city.

Church Budget

Every month we publish an update on our church budget. These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church...but only in part! Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another, service to one another, or just time spent with one another? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

June, 2013

$ 13,987 General Contributions

$ 10,796 Total Expense


CommunityChurch Staff
Pray for Our Leaders

Every few months, a group of trusted men from among our congregation meets with our pastors to provide help and counsel. This group (we call them our Leadership Counsel) don't hold an official church office or serve as some kind of quasi-elder board. They're just men who love our church and have been working with the pastors for years.

A trusted voice.

God has been faithful to use this counsel to help encourage, adjust, sharpen, and equip our pastors for their calling as our shepherds. Every time they meet.

Please pray. 

This coming Saturday they will be discussing everything from internships to church plants to future pastors to the calling of our first deacons. Join us in asking God to be present and active as they meet. Ask for wisdom. Ask for friendship. Ask for fellowship, joy, faith, and courage. Ask God to use these men to influence our church and ministry.

God is for us! 


CommunityChurch Staff
Old Towne Orange Shooting

A young man named Sergio Vasquez visited our church a few months ago. His neighbors were getting married during the service and friends invited him to tag along.

You welcomed him in.

He heard you sing the gospel. He heard you preach the gospel. He watched as his neighbors were married and celebrated with you over a potluck meal afterwards. 

And that's it. We never heard from Sergio again. Which makes you wonder...

Is reaching out to the guests worth it? 

Some guests are looking for a good church and we rejoice when they find one (it doesn't have to be our church). Other guests are searching for the truth. Some are desperate and hurting. Some only come for the party afterwards.  And most will never return.

We greet guests with this goal.

Don't let one-time guests discourage you. God sends us people for a reason. He wants us to welcome them in as Christ has welcomed us.  He wants us to share our one thing with everyone.

Jesus saves sinners.

Unfortunately, Sergio's story doesn't end well. Our guest died last week after being shot at the corner of West Walnut and North Lemon. Just a few blocks from where many of us live...only four months after his visit with us. We don't know what happened between his visit and last week and wish we could say he believed. But we just don't know. We hope so.

However, this you can be sure of...more guests like Sergio are coming again next Sunday.


CommunityChurch Staff
Memorial Day Events

Memorial Day is coming up on Monday, May 27th. Holidays like these are a great time to remember how thankful we are for our country and a way to love the city we're apart of. If you don't have plans this weekend, here are a few ideas to get you connected with others:  

  1. Rally some neighbors or church members together for a BBQ.
  2. Call or write a Thank You note to a veteran you know, thanking them for their service. 
  3. Attend a community event close to home. For those of us in Old Towne Orange, consider heading to Fairhaven Memorial Park at 10:30am. Flyer with details below.
