Pray for Our Leaders

Every few months, a group of trusted men from among our congregation meets with our pastors to provide help and counsel. This group (we call them our Leadership Counsel) don't hold an official church office or serve as some kind of quasi-elder board. They're just men who love our church and have been working with the pastors for years.

A trusted voice.

God has been faithful to use this counsel to help encourage, adjust, sharpen, and equip our pastors for their calling as our shepherds. Every time they meet.

Please pray. 

This coming Saturday they will be discussing everything from internships to church plants to future pastors to the calling of our first deacons. Join us in asking God to be present and active as they meet. Ask for wisdom. Ask for friendship. Ask for fellowship, joy, faith, and courage. Ask God to use these men to influence our church and ministry.

God is for us! 


CommunityChurch Staff