Posts tagged reformed church parramatta
A Church Plant 7500 Miles Away

Brothers and Sisters Living for Christ Halfway Across the Globe

On Sunday, we prayed for Sovereign Grace Church of Parramatta, a church plant outside of Sydney, Australia. It’s in a strategic, growing, and multi-ethnic area of the city.

The brothers and sisters planting that church are our partners in the gospel. Pastor Eric is coaching their church planter, Riley Spring.

We invite you to join us in praying for this new work. Here are a few things to pray for:

  • Pray for the members of this church to grow in love for one another, using their gifts to build one another up.

  • Pray for the resources they need. The photo above is them touring their new facility, praise God! But more provision is needed.

  • Pray for Riley and his family. Church planting is hard and they will need the Spirit’s presence to sustain and guide them.

  • Pray for their sending church, Sovereign Grace Church of Sydney. That God would give them faith to send out their friends to establish a new church in a new neighborhood. And that God would bring in more new people to their church for them to disciple.

  • Pray for the people of Parramatta, that the gospel will sound forth from this church and that God would save many through their ministry.