Posts tagged hurricane maria
God Is Working In Puerto Rico

Back in October we made you aware of an opportunity to support pastors and churches in Puerto Rico after the island was devastated by Hurricane Maria. By God's provision and your generosity, our church was able to send money to aid these efforts.

We recently received an update from the pastor overseeing the aid to Puerto Rico. In his words, here is a sampling of the things they were able to accomplish with the money given:

  • Supplied 37 generators to areas without power.
  • Gave thousands of dollars to buy supplies for devastated areas on the island, and it also was used to cover specific needs for the operations of local churches during the emergency. 
  • Approximately $5,000 was used to care for pastors on the island. This money was used to meet specific needs of the pastor and their families as they functioned as first responders in their local communities. These funds also gave them some time to rest during this difficult season. 
  • Delivered emergency supplies, such as batteries, flashlights, and laundry detergent, along with other necessities. 
  • A portion has gone towards theological relief. Since the end of November, we have been meeting with a group of pastors to help them process in a biblical way the tragedy that they are experiencing and to equip them to move forward in order to better serve their churches and communities.

Thank you for loving people you haven't even met. It brings glory to God and comfort to His people. Your generosity "is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God" (2 Cor. 9:12).