Posts tagged committee
One Committee Becomes Two

A Finance Committee
A Law Committee

The Finance and Law Committee was appointed by our pastors as an alternative voice of counsel, support, and accountability to the pastoral team and our church ministries. Trusted church members advise them on a range of financial and legal issues that affect our church.

The workload has grown larger than one committee can handle. Recently, the committee has divided into two: a finance committee and a law committee. Our deacons are each leading one.

Finance Committee
David Christensen (Chairman)
Jim Cunningham
Zac Davis
Rod Rivera

Law Committee
Les Card (Chairman)
Caleb Brown
Dustin Smetona

We thank God for the committee members. Their leadership and the additional sacrifices they make to serve in these roles is significant. This is low visibility work, but its importance for the health of our church cannot be overstated.


Church Staffcommittee