Proclaiming Christ at Orange High

Praying for our Student Neighbors

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to host a student outreach event at Orange High School. Our partners from the National School Project and our students leaders at Orange High came together to proclaim the gospel to a group of students during lunch. We were able to get to know them, give them gospel resources, and talk about Jesus.

This is the final outreach of the year, but we’ll still be maintaining a presence on campus. And we could use your help. Please continue to pray for the students at Orange High. Here are a few requests:

  • Ask God to save the students who attended the event. Pray that the Holy Spirit continues to move on campus.

  • Ask God to continue to give us opportunities to know the students.

  • Ask God to continue to give us favor with the Orange High faculty.

Prayer is a vital part of our work at Orange High. Through your prayers, we’ve seen the Lord work in the hearts of many students. We’re excited to see what God does next!

LatestAndrew Maples