Managing Your Money for God's Glory

A Testimony On Faithful Stewardship

Finances are a big deal in Scripture. God owns all things, distributes as he pleases, and entrusts gifts to us. These gifts are meant to be used for all creation’s flourishing, not just personal gain. How we use them says a lot about our hearts.

Our Money Management class exists to help God’s people become faithful stewards. Below is a testimony from Lauren Maples, a recent graduate of the class. As you read, consider God’s gifts to you, how you steward your own resources, and look to sign up in the future!

Hi! I’m Lauren Maples.

My husband Andrew and I were excited to hear about the Money Management class for a few reasons. 

One – We’re new to California and prices here are – well let’s just say they’re different. We knew that we would need to think strategically with our finances if we were hoping to make this new life work, both now and in the future. 

Two – Though we actually moved here from Kentucky, we were both born and raised in Tennessee and met through a Sovereign Grace Church in Knoxville. That church offered a money management class and covered the same material. Over the years, I heard testimony after testimony from individuals and families who were affected by that class. When I realized that Sovereign Grace Church of Orange offered a similar class, I was excited. I always assumed that this was some kind of magic class that offered the solutions to all money management problems – both spiritually and practically.

Our third reason for taking the class was - We really liked Les and Sue Card (who teach the class) and we were excited to learn more from them in any capacity. 

During our time in the class, we were surprised to discover that much of the class wasn’t about practical tips and tricks (though there definitely was that element). The class was centered around Scripture – answering the questions “what does God have to say about money?” and “how does or should this affect our view of money?” 

Though I would have said that I already knew the answer to these questions, the class’s emphasis on these questions gave Andrew and I the opportunity to discuss the topic more deeply between ourselves and with the rest of the class. 

This reminder and challenge to steward our money to the glory of God because it IS God’s greatly served us!

I’ve personally wrestled with a healthy mindset of giving – desiring to be generous and give in faith, but not relying on God’s grace and wisdom for what that might look like. Les and Sue were able to give helpful input, point us to Scripture, and encourage Andrew and I to talk together and pray about this. 

Lastly, I was encouraged by the group itself. While we talked about stewarding our money, spending plans, giving, buying homes (or trying to) and more, we also shared our current struggles and needs and had opportunities to pray for one another. I gained new friends and was challenged in my walk with the Lord because of this group. 

Les and Sue, thank you so much for consistently sacrificing your time, energy, and resources to lead this class year after year! Andrew and I were greatly served and encouraged by our time learning from and with you all. 

I would take it again. Thanks. 

LatestAndrew Maples