Pastoral Team Retreat

“You also must help us by prayer…”
2 Cor. 1:11

The Pastoral Team is heading out on a retreat this week to pray, reflect, and prepare for the upcoming year. They want the Spirit to lead them as they lead us. Let’s participate by praying for their time together. Here are a few specific things:

  • Ask God to incline their hearts to his Word and his ways. Pray that they would find joy in his Word and keep a close eye on the church’s teaching.

  • Ask God to give them wisdom. Pray that God would give them clarity, care, and creativity to humbly lead the church.

  • Ask God to unite them. Pray against dissension of all kinds. Pray that they would be of one mind and one spirit.

  • Ask God to bless their families. Pray for their families as the men are away and ask God to continue to strengthen their marriages.

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