A Church of Faithful Women

Christy’s Mother’s Day Testimony

During our Sunday service, we celebrated the profound impact all the mothers and women have on our church. This is all by God’s design, and we’re glad to honor the women God has placed among us.

One of our members, Christy, shared how much God has used the ladies in the church to influence and help her. It’s a testament to God’s work in our church and in our lives. As you read her testimony below, take time to reflect and thank God for the women of our church.

On this Mother’s Day, I humbly find myself a mama of two little ones. Madeline is two-and-a-half and Gideon is six-months-old. I’m in the throes of early motherhood, and life feels full. My husband, Dylan, is an accountant and just came out of a busy work season. We have also been house hunting for the past 18 months. We’ve put in a lot of offers, but we’re still waiting on the Lord. My days are filled with toddler training, caring for an infant, everyday housework, serving the church, small business responsibilities, and reaching out to friends for playdates or to simply stay in touch. 

I’m sure that this load would feel burdensome if not for trusting that the Lord has given me a beautiful calling as a woman, wife, and mother. No work is too tedious. All work, even if hard at times, is meant to glorify God, to be for our good, and to sanctify. It bears eternal fruit! What a glorious calling it is to pour into the souls of others!

I still have daily moments where I feel overwhelmed, but I am filled with gratefulness when I remember the countless ways that the Lord is meeting me. Sometimes He meets me through His word. Other times, I notice Him giving me grace to practice leaning on Him when I’m feeling my inability to meet everyone’s needs, including my own. When the mental fogginess that comes from limited sleep and interrupted tasks feels especially heavy, I am incredibly grateful for how the Lord uses the church to remind me of His truth and spur me on to love and good works.

I wish I had time to publicly affirm all of the faithful women who are embracing the Lord’s calling for their lives and who have graciously given of their time, giftings, and words to encourage me and others, but seeing as I only have a few minutes, here are many, but definitely not all, of the women who do this so well. 

On the topic of pursuing excellence in homemaking, Sue has been a precious resource in teaching me how to streamline meal prep, manage everyday finances, and think of ways to creatively serve those in need. Lois has a way of patiently, graciously, and comically giving me an eternal perspective on how to steward relationships and responsibilities. When I’m trying to remember my Bible reading from the ladies’ reading plan, it’s been helpful to read the thoughts of Micki and Gina, who regularly share where the Lord has met them in their own reading. Vicki and Sandra have been precious examples of mothers who are leaning on the Lord and working heartily unto Him. Among ladies in the season of early motherhood with me, I’ve loved seeing Bethany make it a priority to be hospitable with the home the Lord has provided for her family, even while caring for her three young children. Bree is a beautiful example of a mother who is generous with her resources, praising God for His provisions and never counting them as too precious to share. I’ve been blessed over and over again by the care of Alie and Lauren, who regularly ask how I’m doing, joyfully serve, and even made sure I didn’t overdo it when we helped a friend move the week after Gideon was born. April, Melanie, Stephanie, Jen, Karissa, Sophia, Ruth, and Deidre have all offered words of encouragement and practical care. Diane and Wendy have kindly used their season of motherhood to bless me with childcare. Kirsi, Rebecca, Kristin, Miranda, Anna, and Melissa are precious friends who never cease to speak truth into my life, especially when I’m facing hard circumstances. 

The fact that so many of you have touched my life (and this isn’t even all of you!) is such a testimony of how the Lord is using the women of our church to bless His people and further His kingdom. I’m so very grateful to be part of a church filled with women who take their God-given callings seriously and strive to fulfill the “one another'' commands of the Bible with their whole hearts, minds, and strengths. Thanks for being my friends in Christ.

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