Pray For The Nations

From Dave Taylor, our denomination’s Director of Emerging Nations:

The new year is so often a time for resolutions, some spiritual and some personal. They can have a good place in our lives and can be such a blessing. But nothing compares to God’s incredible resolutions to us, and in Isaiah 41:10 we have one such resolution:

‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’

What a faith-building, comforting and inspiring reality this is! This is the One who watches over our lives and endeavours. A King who is always with us, who is our God, and who promises to strengthen us and help us and uphold us with His righteous right hand. It’s a promise!

And so as we trust in Him and pray to Him, here are some ways you can be lifting up our global endeavours up to Him this month:

  • Please pray for the many churches that are in the process of adoption into Sovereign Grace in Latin America. These would include: Durango, Mexico – Torreon, Mexico – Arrandas, Mexico – Moroleon, Mexico – Orizababa, Mexico – Cordoba, Mexico – Playa Azul, Costa Rica – Cartago, Costa Rica – San Jose, Costa Rica – Cali, Colombia – Sao Paulo, Brazil – Rio Grande, Brazil – Palabra de Vida, Venezuela.

  • Please pray for McDonald Chanda and Cheila Chisulo, as they continue their Ordination process in Zambia, and as they prepare, God-willing, to lead Christ Community Church in Ndola, Zambia, and the Copperbelt Pastors College, founded by our dear friend Wilbroad Chanda.

  • Please pray for our SG family on the ground in Turkey as they continue to learn the language, acclimatise to the culture, and reach the lost in this country. They have been there for over a year now and are making some encouraging in-roads.

  • Please pray for Sovereign Grace Churches, Australia, as we launch the Planters & Pastors Academy this month, with a view to further church plants and adoptions in our country. With five men signed up for the year, may the Lord give much wisdom, favour and grace to everyone involved.

  • Please pray for the 4 Church Plants that we have planned for Asia-Pacific over the next 24 months: Cavite – Philippines (2022/23), Bonbon – Philippines (2022/23), Negros Occidental – Philippines (2022/23), Kathmandu – Nepal (2022/23).

May He strengthen us, help us, and uphold us in all that we do!

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