What Are You Thankful For?

The Christian Has the Best Answer

The question is asked every Thanksgiving: What are you thankful for? For some, it’s easy to answer. For others, the question requires a little more thought. Perhaps you aren’t even used to thinking about thankfulness. Maybe it’s something you only think about once a year. This shouldn’t be the case for Christians.

For the Christian, thanksgiving is not just a holiday—it’s a way of life. God commands us to abound in thanksgiving as we walk in Christ (Col 2:6-7). We are to give thanks for everything (Eph 5:20) and in all circumstances (1 Thess 5:18). How is this possible? Because our attitude isn’t dependent on our situation. We’re always thankful because we have been redeemed from sin, united with Christ, and trust in the sovereignty and goodness of God! This means that a fundamental mark of the Christian is joy expressed through thanksgiving.

So, approach that question differently this year. What are you thankful for? Well, for the Christian, it’s an amazing answer. We’ve been saved through faith, and we have a Father who gives us all we need (2 Cor 9:8; James 1:17). Take a moment and reflect on these truths. There’s plenty to be thankful for.

Andrew Maples