No Prayer Service This Month

No meeting doesn’t mean no prayer

Our Prayer Service next week is canceled. But we still want you to pray! Make it a priority to set aside a few minutes and spend intentional time in prayer next week. Not sure what to pray for? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Church members and friends. Just like we mentioned in the Members Meeting, go through the church member roll and pray for each name. Lift up needs as they come to mind. Pray for our regular attenders and guests too.

  • Family. Pray for the loved ones you’ll be with this week. Pray for and welcome in those who are alone or without family.

  • Praise God for his goodness. Think of the ways God has provided for you. Think of the gospel. There’s so much to be thankful for. In fact, here’s a great article about gratefulness by Ben Kreps, a Sovereign Grace pastor. We highly recommend that you read it. It gives practical steps to cultivating gratefulness in one’s heart. It will help you see what God is doing in your life more clearly.

We’ll be back next month. Go ahead and mark your calendars for December 27th. Until then, keep praying and praising God.

“In light of this mercy and grace from God, we have endless reasons for profound gratitude in every and any season. In Christ, we may rightly declare, ‘He has raised my soul from death to life! My sins are washed away! I am an adopted child of God! I have been transferred out the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light! My future is glorious!’ How can we not be grateful? “ - Ben Kreps

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