Thank God for the Bairds

On Sunday we welcomed Lynn and Terri Baird to our service. Lynn has served as a pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena for a few decades and is about to retire. Their partnership and investment in our church has been instrumental.

Pastor Mike and Lois Davis shared a testimony about the impact they’ve had. Take a few minutes to read it below and join us in thanking God for the Bairds.

Lynn and Terri have affected our lives profoundly. Lynn was one of our pastors in Pasadena from 1991 through 2007. Those 16 years were formative years for our family.

Lynn counseled us through parenting questions, marriage questions, and big life decisions. When it came time to care for Lois’ ailing Mom, Lynn wisely suggested we bring Lois’ Mom to California rather than moving our family to Idaho. The years my mother-in-law was in Pasadena were the best years of her life and our family was able to care for her while building our lives with the church we so loved.

Lynn taught a course in Pasadena that affected Lois and I profoundly and still affects us today. The “Self-Confrontation” course opened my eyes to the fact that the biggest problem I face is myself and my sin. That course has made us more humble, more wary of our own hearts, more eager for the input of others, and tremendously thankful for the Gospel that forgives sinners like us.

Lois was deeply affected by a course that Terri taught on motherhood that had a big impact on her and our family.

We should all also be grateful to the Bairds for their musical gifts. Many of the Sovereign Grace songs we sing or hear were written or recorded by the Baird family.

Lynn and Terri are an example for us: They were an example as a family. As we had four boys in the 90s, their family, who are about 10 years ahead of us in life inspired and taught us what it looks like to love your kids in Jesus.

They were an example of service. The Baird family could be found at every kind of church activity, move, or re-build. Their family served in every way possible in the church. It was awesome to see them serving together with joy and passion and it inspired us to want to do the same.

They are an example of a couple in pastoral ministry. They love and serve God’s people faithfully. They model what it looks like to be part of a pastoral team and to give your life for Christ and His Kingdom.

Lynn and Terri were key in launching this church. When this church began as a satellite of the Pasadena church, Lynn made the drive from Pasadena most Saturday afternoons to preach and help oversee the effort. His passion for mission was crucial in establishing us as a church plant.

All of us here should be deeply grateful for this couple and what they have given us.

Lynn and Terri – the work you have done here in California has made ripples that will continue through eternity. People have been saved, families like mine have been changed, churches like ours have been planted, the Gospel of Jesus has been declared, and God has been glorified.

Well done, good and faithful servants!

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