Communion Service FAQs

We Sit Together Around Christ’s Table

Our annual communion service is this Sunday. It’s daylight savings Sunday so we’re having the service at 12:00pm to let you sleep in a little bit. We will enjoy lunch together, sing, and reflect on our Savior’s death as we eat the bread and drink the cup.

Below are a few FAQs so that you can come prepared on Sunday.

What can I bring?

Lunch for you and your household. We will provide the communion elements and water bottles. The communion elements will be in boxes near the entrance. Grab one for your household as you come into the garden.

I have young kids. Are you offering childcare?

We are not offering childcare at this service so that every household in the church can participate. But feel free to bring things to keep your young children engaged.

Which COVID-19 protocols are in place?

We seek to follow the state’s guidance. The service will be outdoors. We will arrange seating at tables so that households can maintain physical distancing from other households. All of our normal Sunday service COVID-19 protocols are in place.

What kind of bread are we using for communion?

Church volunteers are baking gluten-free flatbread.

Are you serving actual wine?

No. We are serving non-alcoholic wine.

I am not sure if I/my children should participate in the Lord's Supper. What should I do?

Anyone who has placed their trust in Christ is invited to join us. Please read our statement on communion for more information.  Reach out to a pastor for specific counsel. And even if you aren’t a Christian, we welcome you to join us to hear the gospel and consider Jesus.

Direct any of your questions to the church office. We can’t wait to celebrate the Lord’s Supper with you!

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