Lisa And Ryan's Testimony

We regularly take time in our Sunday services to hear stories of how God is at work in the members of our church. This past weekend Ryan graduated from chiropractic school. Here's some of what they shared...

Lisa: Thank you for loving us over the past 6 years and especially the last 3. This season of school has been the hardest of our married life and you never gave up on us.

You prayed for us. You cared for us. You came alongside us when we were discouraged. God has in so many ways sustained us in large part through you. Thank you.

Ryan: 7 years ago I arrived in California to complete a 3-month long project. That project kept us here for 18 months and introduced us to you. God was preparing us for the unexpected.

Although I returned to Florida in the aerospace industry, God quickly made it clear He was calling me to serve people as a chiropractor. So we came back.

Now we love it here and plan on staying here. I have no clue what the future holds. I can't even explain how I got here today. But I'm so grateful that you have been here in Old Towne Orange. We couldn't have gotten this far without you.