3 Good Reasons To Have A Multitude of Preachers

This month Lucas Enge (our Pastoral Resident) is preaching a 3 sermon series through the Book of Lamentations. You can listen to the first one here. It was a wonderful reminder of how the severity of our sin and God's judgement leads us to marvel in our great salvation.

"Mourning turns to marveling."

Pastor Eric reminded us during the service that having other men preach isn't only an opportunity to develop new preachers. This is also an opportunity for God to develop us (the congregation).

  1. When others preach, it helps us keep the gospel first and foremost. It is the gospel we have come to hear, not a particular man.
  2. When others preach, we learn to share our ministries. We watch our pastors invest in others. We watch them support and encourage and celebrate their progress. This in turn encourages the entire church to do the same in their ministry roles
  3. When others preach, it cultivates trust. It trains us to place our confidence in Jesus, not in our preachers.

Pastor Eric said "We are so humbled by your trust in us (your pastors). It is a precious and fearful thing and we are honored by it. But listen. You're trust in us is not our goal. Not at all.

"We labor for you to trust your Savior, not your pastors."