New Pastoral Resident — Dustin Smetona

We are on a mission to make disciples.

Last Sunday, during a bi-annual church member meeting, we announced Dustin Smetona as our newest Pastoral Resident. He and his wife have been an integral part of our church for years and Dustin completed an internship a few years back. We believe he is called to pastoral ministry and now have officially begun the process of answering the "when and where" questions.

Our Pastoral Residency program is a ministry of the entire church, not just the pastoral team. We all get to play a part in training and equipping future leaders. You can read more about this here.

Join us in thanking God for the Smetonas. Please begin to pray and ask Him to lead us over the next year or so. Our pastoral team will keep you up to date and if Dustin is nominated to be a pastor in our church, you will have a part to play in that process too.