Two More Years At The Woman's Club

Have we ever told you how much we love our city?

Our church loves loves loves! the people and community of Orange, CA. Many of us live in Old Towne Orange and the rest live "on the border".

Well ok, maybe "on the border" is stretching it a bit geographically. But not in our hearts!

We live here. Shop here. Play here. Eat and drink in the restaurants. Participate in the library programs. Go to the summer concerts. Befriend the homeless and marginalized and basically make it our aim to be part of the lives of everyone who calls our town their town. We'll take whatever part of your life that you are willing to share with us.

We love you Orange.

So this is why it's with great pleasure that we say thanks for praying for our lease renegotiations. It's a done deal. We have another 2 years of Sunday services scheduled at the Woman's Club of Orange.