Summer Testimonies

This summer we are highlighting God’s power to save people through a series of testimonies. Every few Sundays, a church member will tell us a bit about their story and how God has been at work in their lives.  We hope these are as encouraging to you as they've been to us. Testimonies are a great reminder that God’s gospel is still powerful, spreading throughout Orange County, and saving individuals like us. 

Jordan's Story

"If I was to go back and tell you the story of my conversion, I wouldn't be able to tell you
much. I was pretty young. I grew up in a Christian home. But there was a
decisive moment in my life when God gripped my heart and began to close the gap between
confessing Jesus and acting like Jesus. "

"This was just the beginning; over the next several years, I was taught to love theology, to love to serve, to love people, to love community. I was taught what it means to be a be a man."

"If there’s one thing I could tell you today, it’s that God’s grace has already come. It’s
available now for you and I in Jesus Christ. We don't have to wait for it any longer, we don't have to earn it. It meets us where we are. "