The Fair Is Here

A Big Block Party In Our City

The street fair is this weekend! Make plans to visit on Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday right after church. We love to mingle with our neighbors, eat great food, and listen to live music. The details are available on their website.

Come Early, Stay Late

Since the fair goes all the way through Sunday, you’ll be wise to arrive early for church to get a good parking spot. Then head out onto the streets for lunch afterward.

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Don't Read It Alone

Join One of Our Bible Reading Challenges

The men and women of Sovereign Grace Church love reading God’s word. It’s even better when we do it together!

If you want help staying on track with Bible reading, you need a plan and a community. We’re offering both. Sign up for the Women’s or Men’s Bible Reading challenge below. Each group starts in September.


Kirsi Turbedsky leads a group of ladies through a plan with regular in-person check-ins. Click here to get registered for the Women’s Bible Reading Challenge.


Pastor Dustin leads a group of men who read and reflect on God’s word. Click here to get registered for the Men’s Bible Reading Challenge.

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Six Weeks Away

Church Camp 2023

We’ve planned a weekend away and you’re invited. Just our church family — a refreshing time to meet with the Lord and with each other.

October 13-15, 2023
Idyllwild, cA

We want everyone to be there so we’ve made the prices affordable. It’s only $99/adult. Kids under 18 are free.

Don’t delay, secure your spot now. Hit the link below to register. We’ll see you in the mountains.

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Thank You, Dylan

This past Sunday was Dylan Sohie’s last week serving as a leader of our setup team. Dylan took this role on as we re-started in-person services during the pandemic. We’re so thankful for his servant-hearted leadership. He has shown himself willing to do whatever is needed for our church. As a young man, he has provided a wonderful example for all of us.

As a husband, father of young kids (with one more on the way), and a small group leader, it’s time to free Dylan up to serve in other ways on Sunday mornings. We’re happy to do it.

Thank you for serving Jesus by serving us, Dylan!

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Take Refuge In Jesus

Psalm 2

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter God and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

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Help Our Neighbors Beat The Heat

Street Fair Outreach

We love the Orange International Street Fair. It’s mayhem every year as tens of thousands of people descend on our historic downtown, but many of us are out there enjoying it.

This year we wanted to find a way to give back to our neighbors who are volunteering at the booths. Jon and Jen Le are leading a team of people who will take shifts providing refreshments to those volunteers. The shifts are on Saturday, September 2nd. There will be 2-person teams on a 2-hour shift.

If you’re interested please fill out the form below and we’ll get you all the details. Thanks for loving your neighbors for the glory of Jesus.

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Farewell From The Maples

This Sunday, we’ll be saying goodbye to a dear family, the Maples. Here is what they wanted to share as they get ready to head back to Tennessee:

Hello Church Family!

As most of you know, we are moving back home to Tennessee. This definitely wasn’t an easy decision. We’ve gone back and forth for several months while talking, spending time in prayer, thinking, and seeking counsel. In the end, we felt like it was the right decision to move. Certain opportunities became available, and of course, we couldn’t overlook our families and relationships back home—especially with another baby on the way! But we will certainly miss our family here. 

It’s been such a blessing to have the opportunity to get to know each of you. That’s an understatement at best. You welcomed us and made us feel loved from the moment we arrived, and your kindness never stopped. It would be easy to look at everyone in the church and describe specific ways each one of you have impacted our lives. Each conversation, each event, every meal shared together, your support during my residency, and all the moments we’ve experienced in California have meant the world to us. We cherish these memories and friendships. 

The community and kindness we’ve experienced here isn’t normal. It’s definitely supernatural. There’s something different about it, and it’s a direct result of the Holy Spirit working through people who have been transformed by the gospel. Whether it’s sacrificial service or simply the genuine love that is expressed each time you’re gathered together, it’s evident that the Lord is present and active in this church. It’s our prayer that you keep loving one another, reaching Old Towne Orange, and welcoming new members just as you welcomed us. And we have no doubt that will continue. 

We’re already looking forward to our next visit to Orange County (you can’t get rid of us that easily). Even though we know that some of you will probably be more excited to see our kids than us, we can’t wait. It’s been a privilege to share our lives together, and we’re so thankful for the lifelong relationships we’ve been blessed to build here. Thank you. We love each of you dearly. 

The Maples

We’ll pray for this sweet family in our service this Sunday. Make sure you take a moment this week to send them out with encouragements and gratefulness.

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A Place To Belong

Serving The Church

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace…”
1 Peter 4:10

God has equipped each of us to serve. He has given us experiences, gifts, motivation, and energy. Whether you have an “official” or an “unofficial” assignment, each member is a critical part of our local church. Nothing helps us feel more like part of the church than serving the church.

Sunday mornings provide a number of ways to bless the church with your time and talents. If you’re looking for somewhere to serve, we’d love to find the right spot. There are a number of ways you could work side-by-side with other brothers and sisters: setup and teardown, greeting, and children’s ministry are the big ones, but there are others as well.

If you’re ready to get started, send an email to the church office and we’ll get you connected.

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